Celebrating the Academy Entrance

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It has been a year since I first met Naruto and we have become the best of friends. We stuck together like glue not caring what others thought. He told me everything about himself including that the villagers thought of him as a monster. He doesn't know why but plans to gain their respect. In return, I told him a lot about myself. He was surprised at the fact that I was shunned for my appearance and told me he thinks my hair is beautiful. At that moment I was really happy since no one besides my brother has really complimented my hair before. All the kids would call me a freak but him. Eventually people stopped insulting me as much because Naruto and I would prank them. The pranks were made to embarrass them in a way they would lose their dignity. They would turn so red afterwards, it was laughable. I would get scolded by my parents but it was worth it. My parents never really approved of Naruto being my friend but luckily my brother defended me saying I have the right to hang out with whoever I wanted. He is one of the little people I know that treat Naruto with respect. That makes me glad that he isn't like my parents. They are so judgmental and make me nervous. Hopefully they wont ruin today. whenever something seems to go alright, there is a possibility they may end up making it bad. lets just say that I don't have much fun with them. Right now I'm in my room getting ready for the academy entrance ceremony. I slipped on a white dress with a red ribbon and stumbled out the door putting on my red ninja sandals. My parents were currently working at the bakery and my brother said he would meet me at the academy. I was sort of home alone since kakashi had to go on a mission. My brother is trying his best to get out of work early to be there for me and naruto. He said he would treat us to anything we wanted afterwards. That really got naruto cheering and causing a scene around us. I sweat dropped at the memory. Since my house wasn't that far from the academy, I decided to walk and take my time. I calmly looked at my surroundings admiring the scenery. A bird flew by chirping and the sound of the wind softly blowing by soothed me. Nice morning walks like this were nice once in a while. I ended up being early so I waited for naruto by a swing set. I looked around at the little people that were here. The parents were watching their children while the kids all noisily chatted with each other. I felt nervous and out of place just standing here by myself. At least they weren't being rude today. I leaned against the tree with the swing attached to it while I waited. As time went by, the area started to fill up with more people. I frowned wondering why naruto hasn't showed up yet. I pushed myself off the tree and slowly walked by the crowd of people towards the entrance to look for him. I ignored the dirty stares I got and continued on. As I got closer, I saw a yellow blur running towards me. My lips curved into a smile as I realized that it was naruto. I began walking toward my friend excited that he was able to make it. He slowed down and stopped in front of me, putting his hands on his knees.

"S-sorry I'm late." he panted out trying to catch his breath.

"It's alright, at least you're here." I smiled softly at him.

"How about we get ready. The ceremony is about to start." I suggested pointing at all the kids gathering around forming lines. He just nodded and stood up straight marching proudly to his spot in a line. I giggled at how he marched swinging his arms while making such a serious face. It was silly but that's what's awesome about him. I lined up in one of the lines and waited to see what happens next. The parents all stepped away and left us there is silence. I looked ahead and stood straight holding my arm trying not to be so nervous. The third hokage walked in front of the group of kids and stood there staring at each and every one of us. His eyes seemed to be examining us. Giving us a feeling of insecurity. That is until he smiled, letting a wave of relief wash over. We all waited to see what came next. He began giving us a speech on the responsibility of being a shinobi and what lies ahead. That we must try are hardest and be ready for the hardships we may face. Everything that he said inspired me to work hard. In the corner of my eye I saw that not only me but naruto seemed to be moved by his words as well. We waited until he finished and declared us official academy students. He walked away, leaving us to be congratulated by our kin. I walked up to naruto and grinned giving him a thumbs up. He gave his signature grin suddenly pulling me in a hug. I giggled a bit and hugged him back.

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