The Incident

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"Bye naruto-kun!" I shouted out grinning while waving my hand. Naruto turned then waved with his usual giant grin. I giggled and watched him turn again, continuing his walk back home. I kept watching him till he was no more than just a blur to my vision. When that happened I just decided to head back home. During my walk, I zoned out remembering everything that happened recently. We started the academy a few months ago and so far no one really likes us. I don't really mind since I have naruto, but it would be nice to have some recognition. Most of the class acts like we don't exist! Though, i think that's better then the people who actually 'talk' to us. They like to make so many rude remarks. When it comes to the girls though, everything is aimed at me. Ever since I defeated their 'precious' sasuke, they have been attempting to make my time at the academy a nightmare. I really don't get it. Why would they be so obsessed with him? He's no different then any other boy so why?... I don't think I'll ever get them. I snapped out of my daze and noticed I was at my front door. Slowly, I walked inside and removed my shoes. I looked around and noticed my parents were home early. Like usual my dad was sat on the couch and my mom was in the kitchen. She looked to be making dinner and my dad was paying bills. He looked kinda grumpy and focused. I didn't want to disturb him so I walked to the kitchen as quietly as I could. That was slightly difficult though since the floor boards would squeak once in a while. As soon as I made it to the kitchen, I automatically noticed how busy she was. She was walking all over the place getting everything she needed to make dinner. The kitchen wasn't all that great either so it was a little more difficult. The faucet was broken so we instead used a large tub of water. The stove barely worked so it took a while to get it on. Even the knives were old making them rusty and less sharp. I looked up at my mom and noticed how she looked. She was pretty with curly shoulder length dark brown hair that held some gray hairs as proof of stress. Her chocolate brown eyes were squinted in focus also revealing dark bags under them showing she was tired. Once she saw me, she gave me a soft warm smile. She quickly wiped her hands on her apron and walked up to me.

"How's my little princess today!" She said bending down and giving me a hug. I smiled and quickly returned the hug.

"It was okay other than the fact the kids are mean." I stated like I say every other time she asks me that same question. She pulled away and kept her hand on my head.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. I really wish they'd think about what they do." She said with a sad smile. I gently took her hand from my head and held it looking her in the eyes.

"Don't worry mommy, I'm fine cause I have naruto!" I exclaimed grinning up at her. She smiled at me then gave my hand a squeeze.

"Okay but those kids are missing out on being friends with such a beauty!" She grinned and ruffled my hair. I giggled and gave her another hug.

"Thank you mommy." I said having my voice muffled by her apron.

"Anything for you my little girl." She said gently patting my head. I pulled away and smiled about to leave when she stopped me.

"Before you go can you bring this drink to your father, he looks like he may need it." She said handing me a cold cup of orange juice. I looked at the juice then back at her. She was smiling gently at me so I couldn't say no. I gulped.

"O-okay." I stuttered out slowly walking out of the kitchen. She smiled then went back to trying to make dinner. I slowly walked into the living room feeling my hands start to tremble. Every step I took made my heart beat faster and faster until I thought it could possibly explode. The closer I got, the sweatier my hands got. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad but he severely scares me. Whenever he's in a bad mood and starts yelling, I feel like shrinking into a corner and hiding. It doesn't help that lately he's been distant. He doesn't talk to us much and when he does, It's with a cold stare. Sometimes I feel like It's especially for me. It doesn't help that he has anger issues. As soon as I got close, I tried to calm myself down and walk at a steady pace. He was just a few feet away and I almost made it until I suddenly face planted on the floor. 'Oh no!' I quickly got up and saw that I tripped on a loose floor board. I rapidly turned to face my dad and froze in my spot. He sat there blankly looking at the mess of paperwork drenched in orange juice. I started panicking and hyperventilated a bit. He turned his head and looked at me with a cold stare.

"What did you do!!" He yelled out. I flinched and quickly ran to the desk, attempting to clean the mess with trembling hands.

"I-I'm so sorry! I'll c-clean this up right away!" I squeaked out trying make him less angry. He grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me away. My eyes widened and I looked at him.

"Don't touch it! You'll only make it worse!" He yelled at me with a scowl. My eyes got watery and I stuttered out trying to apologize.

"I d-didn't mean to! I was just trying t-" SMACK... My head turned abruptly to the side. My cheek stung and felt hot. Shock filled my face as tears freely flowed down my cheeks. I slowly turned to face him and was frightened with what I saw. His eyes were filled with hatred and what made it worse is that it was all for me.

"D-daddy." I said feeling my heart start to crack. He shoved me causing me to fall to the floor on my butt. I looked up and saw him giving me a nasty glare.

"Don't call me that!" He shouted making me start to sob. He started walking towards me and I scooted away as fast as I could. I was terrified. His stare held only anger and hate. My chest hurt from seeing him like this. I-I thought he loved me. I Backed away further until my back hit the wall. He looked ready to kill. He got closer and pulled out a switchblade he always carries around. I froze in my spot and stared at him wide eyed. 'He-he's gonna kill me!' I shut my eyes tight waiting for the impact. After a while, nothing happened. I slowly slid my eyelids open and felt my heart completely shatter. My mother stood in front of me with the blade practically through her stomach. She coughed up blood falling to her knees afterwards. My gaze was stuck on her as she slowly looked to me. She sadly smiled and slowly reached her arm out to me. I was frozen in spot. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly her eyes lost their light and she fell backwards. She lied on the ground as a large pool of blood formed around her. I stared at her unmoving body and did the first thing that popped up in my head, scream.

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