Meeting the Uchiha

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"Hi Naru-kun!!!" I shouted out running up to said boy who was currently walking down the road. He slowly turned to me and gave a tired smile. I could tell he barely woke up since he had bed hair and dried up drool at the corners of his lips. I giggled at his appearance and walked up next to him giving him a large grin.

"Ready for today!" I said with plenty of enthusiasm. Naruto seemed to snap out of what ever daze he was in and grinned his signature grin.

"You better believe it!" he shouted out giving me a thumbs up.

"You sure don't look like it." I told him pointing out his messy hair and drool stained cheeks. He looked shocked for a moment then quickly wiped his face with his sleeve and combed out his hair with his fingers. When he finished he laughed nervously.

"Thanks Aka-chan..." He said scratching the back of his neck. I reached out my arm and ruffled his hair earning a pout from him.

"No prob. anything for my best bud" I said giving him a wink. He smiled and opened his mouth about to say something when he was suddenly pummeled to the ground by a large crowd of girls. They almost knocked me down but I quickly jumped away before they could push me. They all ran down the road towards the academy leaving a poor stomped on naruto face first on the floor. After they were all gone leaving behind a cloud of dirt, I ran up to naruto and carefully helped him up.

"Naru-kun! are you okay!?" I worriedly asked checking to see if he had any injuries.

"I'm fine, no need to worry." He said dusting himself off and giving me a thumbs up signifying that he was alright. I smiled then turned to the direction the girls went.

"What the heck was that all about?" I asked crossing my arms, glaring at the spot the girls were last seen.

"I don't know but I guess we're about to find out." Naruto said staring at the academy just a short distance away.

~Time Skip!~

Naruto and I walked into our assigned classroom looking around at all the new faces. There were three sections of large desks throughout most of the room. In the front of the room was a large blackboard on the wall, a desk a few feet in front of it. Since we came early, there weren't much people around. What caught my attention though was the large group of girls from earlier were all huddled together squealing and shouting for some unknown reason. I flinched covering my ear from the sound they were emitting. hearing it was hurting my ears and annoying me the more I heard it. Eventually I turned away grimacing every time I heard a high pitched squeal. I started walking up to the window seat I spotted in the very back, passing by the crowd of screeches getting a few stares in the process. I calmly made it to the seat and sat down ignoring the stares I got. Naruto sat beside me and we started talking to pass the time. After a while, The door slid open and a man with a brown spiked up ponytail walked inside. The classroom suddenly got quiet and everyone that was standing took a seat. When I looked closely I noticed the man had a scar across his nose. He stood in front of the classroom and scanned us over. He smiled at us and quickly took attendance. When our names were mentioned, almost everyone turned and looked at us with shock. Afterwards, the shock would slowly form into disgust causing naruto to flinch. I didn't flinch but turned away not wanting to see their faces. Most of them we didn't even know yet they still looked as if they hated us. I don't understand why they are like that. We never did anything to them. I sighed and looked back up at our sensei.

"My name is Iruka and as of today I shall be your sensei." He spoke smiling up at all of us.

"I know this is your first day but I would like to see how much progress we will have to make during our time here. So our first activity will be to go outside and test your accuracy and skill in battle." He spoke maintaining his smile. Most of the class groaned probably hoping to have stayed sitting the whole time. Others just looked as if they didn't care.

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