Something Worth Fighting For

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I sat still in a chair as I looked blankly at the door across the room. Shinko had just left me here a few minutes ago because he needed to go work and kakashi was on a mission. The only person left that was willing to take care of me was grandpa sarutobi. Obviously he couldn't leave his work so I had to stay in his office. It had only been a couple of weeks since my mothers funeral and I hadn't spoken since. Shinko had tried plenty of times but was never able to. Naruto vowed he wouldn't give up till I was myself again, but I'm not sure if that's gonna be happening any time soon. I loved my mother deeply and I can't believe she's gone. We wouldn't get along all the time but she still cared. I should have been able to do something. I could've saved her but I was too weak. This was all my fault, all of it. If I hadn't dropped that if I hadn't been born, then none of this would have happened. I'm the one that caused my father to go mad. It's my fault they didn't live the life they deserved. If I wasn't here then surely they'd be happy. Unfortunately that's not how it is and I'm here. The question is why though. Why am I here if all I do is bring people discomfort. What is my purpose, why am I alive. Why me and not my mom. Why couldn't I have gone and not her. I bet she would have had a brighter future ahead of her. Unlike me who is practically hated by everyone. I looked down at my lap as my eyes got watery. I bit my lip suppressing a whimper as one tear managed to drop on my lap. I can't cry, not now. Not while I'm with my grandpa sarutobi. Surprisingly I was lifted up and placed on someone's lap. I looked up shocked and saw that grandpa sarutobi was holding me. He carefully wiped my eyes with his thumb smiling softly at me.

"Don't cry little one, It'll all be fine." He said gently petting my head. I looked at him sadly and shook my head. My hair fell over my eyes as I trembled. I knew it wouldn't be fine. Not as long as I know I ruined lives. The lives of my family. He tucked my hair behind my ear and placed his thumb under my chin, lifting my head up to face him.

" I know this is a lot to take in, but you must know this isn't your fault." He whispered out looking me in the eye. I looked at him in astonishment.

"H-how did y-"

"I could see by the look on your face." He stated cutting me off. Slowly he stood up lifting me with him and walked over to his large office window. He sat me down on the window sill beside him and had me look outside.

"Now Akarui, what do you see?" He asked taking a small whif of his pipe. I looked outside and just saw what I see everyday.

"All I see is buildings and people like usual, what of it? I said as I stared at him in confusion. He continued to stare out the window as he answered.

"Really? Cause when I look out this window, I see a village of people who I consider my family. People who are worth protecting and give me the strength to fight." He said smiling out while looking deep in thought. I didn't really understand since I didn't like most of the people here. They are rude and hateful. As if reading my thoughts, he looked to me with a stern look.

"You may not be on good terms with most of the village so far but I know you will soon grow to love this place as much as I do." He then ruffled my hair and smiled.

"Tell me young one, do you have someone you care for so much that in order to protect them, you feel a strength you've never felt before. Someone that helps you feel like you're at home." He asked gazing into my deep red eyes. This question surprised me. I've never really thought about it. I looked out the window into the village as I thought the question over. It can't be shinko because I've never really felt that way with him, mainly because he always protects me. He makes me feel like he wouldn't need my protecting. Doesn't mean I won't try though. As I continued to look out the window, I saw naruto. He was running around seeming to look for something. I frowned as I saw people walk away when he tried to talk to them. He looked kinda sad that he couldn't get any help. I hated seeing him sad. He is always so loud and weird but I like that about him. I love seeing his large grin. It makes me really happy to see him happy. Then he looked up at the window I was sitting at and grinned his naruto grin. Seeing this made me smile in return. He began to run and I noticed it was towards this building. A few minutes later and he barged in through the door out of breath. While he let himself fall on his butt to catch his breath, I decided on my answer.

"You know what grandpa sarutobi, I do. And he's definitely something worth fighting for." I stated, my gaze never leaving naruto. Grandpa sarutobi looked at me with a smile and ruffled my hair before he went back to his desk finishing his work. I got off the window sill and slowly made my way towards naruto. He was still sitting on the floor panting but smiled as soon as he saw me. My life may not have been great but I know meeting naruto was a good thing. As long as I have him, I think I have the will to continue on. It's time for me to do something right in my life. I'm going to see to it that naruto is able to accomplish his dream. Even if it means risking my life. This I'm sure of. I reached out my hand for naruto and he gladly grabbed it letting me help him up. Once he stood, I glomped him in a hug and smiled.

"Thank you naruto, for being my friend." I whispered softly in his ear. He was shocked at first since this is the first I spoke from that day, but right away hugged back.

"No aka-chan. I should be the one thanking you. Without you, I don't know where I'd be." He replied smiling while hugging me tighter. Just hearing those words made me feel a whole lot happier. This warmth in my heart was really nice. It made me feel like I was worth something more than what my father made me think I was. I was important to someone and actually made them really happy. I may actually have a purpose and if it's helping naruto, then I'll fulfill it to it's maximum.

"So, what were you looking for naruto?" I said pulling away giving him a warm smile. His eyes widened as he seemed to remember what he came here for.

"Oh that's right! Um I was looking for you actually. I wanted to give you something, to make you feel better." He said nervously scratching the back of his neck. I softly smiled as my cheeks got warm. He searched around his pockets till he finally found what he was looking for. He lifted his hand as he carefully pulled out a small red box. He held out the box for me and smiled. Slowly I grabbed the box and looked at it with shock. He bought me pocky......He Bought Me Pocky!! I grinned from ear to ear and gave naruto another quick hug, pulling away afterwards to tear open the box and start devouring all the pocky sticks. When there were only two pocky sticks left, I pulled them out and gave one to naruto.

"Naruto, how about you wait outside so we can go get some ramen." I suggested cheerfully. He smiled at me and nodded rapidly, quickly walking out the door. I watched him leave and turned as soon as I saw the door close shut. Quickly I walked over to grandpa sarutobi and handed him the last pocky stick. He looked at me and smiled as he took it.

"Thank you grandpa sarutobi, for giving me that talk. It really helped." I said smiling brightly. He walked around the desk and kneeled down in front of me. Gently he gave me a hug and kissed my forehead, later walking back to sit at his desk. I smiled and started walking to the door.

"Come back as soon as you're finished." He yelled out before I opened the door.

"Don't worry! I will!!" I shouted running out to an awaiting naruto. I closed the door and was immidiately pulled to face him.

"Ready to go!" Naruto excitedly shouted giving me a thumbs up.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" I said giggling at his weird pose. He smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me to run. As we ran, I looked at naruto. He was definitely an energetic ball of light. That's why he's amazing and I intend to make sure he stays the same knucklehead I love.

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