Chp. 3- Fly Secret, Fly

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This guy is insane. "Jay, just get out of my room. I don't want to see you. And get out of my way, I'm going to take a shower."

            "Where are you going?"

            "What, I'm not going anywhere." I was lying and trying to escape, but he wouldn't let me.

            "Then why are you going to take a shower?"

            "Look, Jay, I have school in like an hour, if you haven't noticed, it's Monday and I have school, so move!"

            "Alright, fine, go take a shower, just don't come home late from school. As soon as you get out, you come home right away, if not you're going to be in trouble with me." Why is he doing this to me?

            "Whatever." I say pretending I didn’t care as I roll my eyes.

            After getting out of the shower, I got dressed for school. I grabbed my bag, which was right next to my desk and I run downstairs and into the kitchen. I grab an apple and left the house.

            I run over to my convertible and get in. After starting the car I drive in silence, until I see Zach waiting at the bus stop. I drive over to him and say, "Hey, Zack." I noticed he rolled his eyes.

            "What do you want Temperance?"

            "You want a ride to school? We both know you missed the bus. And we also know that the next bus won't come for at least another thirty minutes."

"Uh...I...but you...." I give him a look that says 'I-Am-So-Sorry-For-What-I-Did'

            "Fine, but I still don't forgive you."

            "I really am sorry, I didn't mean to..." I couldn't even finish and I honestly don't even know why.

            "Temperance, you, you still did it, and with the guy you call a jerk! How do expect me to forgive you? Temperance, I loved you, and I still do. You said you loved me back, but what you did with that guy does not prove to me that you love me like you say you do." I turned right when I was supposed to turn left. "Temperance where are we going, school's that way." He points in the opposite direction

            "We're not going to school today."

            "Why aren't we going to school? We're going to get in trouble."

            "Don't worry, no one will notice, and if they do, they're probably just going to think it’s a coincidence that we’re both absent. Also I'm not going to tell you where I'm taking you, it's a surprise."

            I noticed that every few minutes, Zack would look at me. I love him and I know what I did to him was not right. It was Jay's fault, not mine.

            ‘No it wasn't, it your fault as well, you could have stopped it, but you didn't. That makes it your fault as well.’ My inner voice tells me.

            Shut up!

            A couple of minutes later we reach the spot where I wanted to go.

            "What is this place Temperance?"

            "It's a little park on a little island. Now I know it's a little far from home, but that is what I like best of it. This park is called 'Lighthouse Park'. I come here to think and remember. I usually go sit over on the edge, and listen to my I-pod, but don't worry, I don't fall over. When I don't sit over there, I would sit over by that tree. I like it because it's small and short enough for me to be able to climb it. I usually sit here for hours an-"

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