Chp. 7- Unforeseen

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CHAPTER 7 - Unforeseen

Right after what happened last night, I fell straight to sleep. Thanks to Adriann, I was calm before going to sleep.

When I awoke in the morning, I woke up facing the window. It looked like it was very sunny out, but thankfully the curtains were closed and the sun light didn't bother me.

When I loked at the time on my phone, it was 8:37 in the morning. Since it was still early, I was deciding on whether I should go back to sleep or make breakfast for everyone except Jay. It was sundaysunday and I was still tired, so I decided to go back to sleep, but when I closed my eyes and turned around in my bed, my arms fell on something hard, and my left leg fell on something hard as well.

I opened my eyed to see Adriann on my bed beside me in only his boxers. "Ahh!" I screamed, but not loud enough for everyone else in the house to hear.

Nothing. He just moved closer to me by turning around and wrapping his arms around me, now we were face to face on MY bed. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

By now both my hands were resting on his chest. He looked like an angel sleeping, but he was squishing me right at this moment. I wanted to move, but for some odd reason I didn't move, even if my brain wants me to move, my arms and feet, but my body woudln't let me.

Why? I don't know.

I hadn't realized Adriann was awake until he said, "Goodmorning, Temperance, is there something on my face? Ypu can't seem to be able to blink, or do you like what you see?"

"Uh..." I had to come up with something quickly. "Uh... your squishing me." Good excuse, why didn't you say that you thought he looks like an angle when he sleeps.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know that." He said smiling as if he wasn't sorry at all. "Well I'm going to go brush my teeth." He said trying to get up from the bed..

"Wait." I half mumbled.

"You said something?"

"Um, yeah. I said to wait. Can you pleasee come back tobed and sleep again? I want someone to cuddle with." I said a little nervous.

He looked at me with an, 'Are-You-Serious' type of look on his face, but then decided to come back over t my bad and laid back down beside me and smiled. He then pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his chest. Before I knew it, I was asleep again.


Temperance." I heard someone call from a distance. "Temperance, wake up." I heard someone say to me again, but this time louder. So the person then decided to shake me.

"Mm..." Was all I was able to say. Sort of.

"Wake up already. You have to get ready, so we can go drop off your brother at the airport."

"No!!" I quickly got up and ran to my brother's room. "Please stay, please!" I begged Terence.

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