Chp. 9- Hidden Thinking

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  • Dedicated to Chioma Thimote

Dedicated to my loving classmate who pushed me into writing this chapter for her and all of u. Thnx Chioma ^_^


Chapter 9- Hidden Thinking

I didn't dare tell Adriann. 'What if he gets mad?! I have to hide my calendar. Where is it?! Why can't I find it?! I could have sworn it was on that wall, on that hook, but it's not there!' I said to myself.

'Maybe I should check my desk drawer. It could be in there.' I doubt it, but I still hope it's in there.

It was morning already and I still haven't eaten. I was hungry, but I had to find that stupid calendar, and now!

"Hey Tempie. You looking for this?" Adriann said holding my calendar in his hands up in the air.

"Yeah, I am. How did you know?"

"Well you were saying your thoughts out loud." He said answering my question. Which also made me stiffen and I was totally embarrassed. I thought I said all of that to myself.

"Tempie, you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am. I'm just hungry." I half lied.

"Oh, we should go out and eat." He said a little hyper.

"Hey! Does it look like we have enough money to sped everyday?"

"Well no, but I want to take you out for breakfast." Adriann said.

Aww, not. well it is kind of cute that he wants to take me out for breakfast, but I feel like we don't have enough money to spend it at some restaurant everyday.

"Why can't we just eat here at home?" I asked with pleading eyes.

"Okay, just to make you happy. Seeing you happy, makes me happy." He said and wrapped both his arms around my waist.

"Thank you." I said and pecked him on the lips.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Um...Bacon, egg, sausage, toast, and cereal." I said and thought if I wanted anything else. "That's it." Guess there was nothing else.

"Got it. Bacon, egg, sausage, toast, cereal, and eggs. What kind of eggs?" He asked.

"Sunnyside up eggs." I said and he nodded. He started walking to the kitchen and I said, "I'm surprised you didn't comment on all the food I eat."

"Guess I don't care. You can eat all you want as long as you stay healthy. I don't like dealing with health issues." He said. So true I wouldn't either.

Breakfast was nice, and when we were done, Andrew came down walking like a zombie. "Good morning Andrew." I said.

All he did was send a wave my way.

Both me and Adriann spent our morning in the living rom. It was around twelve o'clock and my phone phone started ringing. It was Terence.

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