Chp. 11- New School

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  • Dedicated to Angiie Acosta

This is my christmas present to you.

Chapter 11- New School

Turns out Terence put me into "Richard R. Green High School of Teaching". He said it is not just for students who want to become a teacher when they're older, but I do want to be a teacher. I have since I was seven years old. I'm so happy Terence found a teaching school for me to go to.

"Babe, wake up. You have to go to school. And I promised to take you on your first day." I heard Adriann whisper into my ear.

"Alright, Alright. I'm going." I said lazily, while slowly getting up.

Unfortunately I couldn't because Adriann pushed me right back down and pinned me down. "Adriann, I'm going to be late if I don't start getting ready right now." I said to him in a whisper since he was all up in my face.

"Okay, hold on. I just want to do something." He said back to me.

"But Adriann, we don't have time for that right now."

"But you don't even know what I want." He said in a whiny tone.

"Yeah I do. You want to have sex, and it's not happening." I said back.

"That's not what I want to do. That was so not nice of you to accuse me of wanting to have sex with you on your first day at your new high school." He responded with a different pitch in his voice.

"Then what was it that you wanted to do? And hurry up, because seriously you're making me late by every minute we're here." I say getting a little upset.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it already." He said whispering in my ear again.

I sighed and with a blink of an eye, Adriann's lips were on mine. I tried to fight back at first, but after like two seconds, I gave up.

"Adriann, stop fiddling around. And drive as fast as possible without having to get a ticket." I said. And yes we were in the car by now.

"Already doing that." He said.

"Alright. So now just shut up, because you made me late to my first day at my new high school." I said mad at Adriann.

"Why are you mad at me, you know you liked it." He said the last part at in a teasing voice.

"Dude, you made me late! Do you really think I will admit to like it when I'm pissed off at you?!" I said looking at him with a mad expression.

"Jeez, just because we had sex in the morning?" he said looking at me for a second then right back at the road.

"Yes! I'm even madder at myself because I didn't do anything to stop you!" I said really annoyed.

"Alright, we'll talk about this when I pick you up from school later today. Now let's go on inside so I can talk to your principal and let him know why you are late." Adriann said. I looked around and we were right in front of a nice school building. I was hoping my school doesn't use all those floors, there were a lot.

We went inside of the school building and the two security guards sent us to the principal's office. I also saw one classroom full of students, who definitely looked younger than me, in front of each student I saw a music stand. I'm guessing that was the music stand.

Inside the principal's office, I saw a long table with many chairs to my right and another room right after that. To my left I found the principal behind a right angle desk. "You may have a seat." He said, and so we did. "My name is David Kaplan, but everyone here calls me Dave. Here in this school, we have a first name basis. Now may you please give me your name so I can hand you your schedule."

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