Chapter 1 - Ignorance Is Bliss

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"Please daddy please!! I want to go with you tonight please!! You let Leighton go last time please daddy!" As I beg my father for the hundredth time to let me go with him hunting, and hope for once he'll treat me like he treats my twin brother, I know deep down that he never will treat me as an equal. 

"No October, you're much too young and fragile, I don't want you to see that side of our world yet... you're far too much like your mother."

My eyes glow brighter red as I growl back at my father "I am NOTHING like my mother!" As I slam the door to my room and drop face first onto my bed I hate everything. I hate him for treating me like a child, I hate my mother for abandoning us and casting a cloud of shame upon our family name, I hate my brother for always being better than me, and I hate not having the knowledge to have the pride in our kind that everyone else in my family has. Whatever, I don't need his permission, I'll just follow him tonight and feel what it's like to be a true vampire from the shadows where we belong. 

I watch the clock as my home is consumed with silence... he just left at 2:38 that means that I can follow at 2:40 and be too far behind for him to sense... and that's assuming he cares enough to know my scent anyway. Quietly I tiptoe out of bed and open my window careful not to make the slightest noise and wake little Mr. Perfect. I'd love to know how dad gets off saying "I'm too young" when Leighton and I are both eight years old. Ugh. The clock changes to 2:40 and within the beat of a heart I am out the window and in the sky. Following my father's scent I fly into town hidden by the moonless night. This is the night we always wait for to hunt, the New Moon. Wow, Dad has already found his prey for the night, a woman, on the eastern side of the city. I slow down as I near the old brick town house and slip in the window after my father. I can hear him walking down the hall towards the woman's room. I follow taking in some of the family portraits on the walls but walk briskly, I do not want to miss anything. I have got to see this, to see my future and my race's honor. 

I sneak in as my father is hypnotizing the woman, she is very pretty for a servile, not too young but not too old, healthy, with golden hair peach skin and bright green eyes, she's odd but pretty. My father has her get out of bed and walk over to him as I watch with such curiosity that I could explode but right as she gets to him I hear a soft noise, oh no. 

I turn around to see that some servile girl walks into the room holding a ragged teddy bear in one hand and rubbing her eyes with the other. This is not good, this is SO not good. Rule number one is to never let a human catch you hunting, ever. I'm sure my father hasn't noticed her but as I see her expression go from asleep to horrified in about .5 seconds I jerk my head in my father's direction in time to see what we really are... monsters.

As I turn my head I see my father sink his teeth into the servile's chest ripping it open; he sinks his arm into her chest and rips out her heart I look up at her face just in time to see all the color and life drain in the final beat of her heart. He runs his tongue up his arm savoring every drop of her blood then sinks his teeth into her heart piercing the walls with his fangs and sucking it until it is a dried up shell of what it used to be. I can only imagine what the servile child's face looks like as I cannot tear mine away from the grisly scene long enough to see but as my father swallows the shell of what used to be her mother's heart and seizes her wrist sucking ever drop of blood left in her limp body, I can't imagine it would be pretty. 

My father lays the woman's body down on the floor and I cannot bear to see what happens next, to the woman or to her child. My father entranced in his prey still hasn't noticed the child and I fear for when he does... he's already demonstrated that we are monsters but how far will he go... I try to get the child's attention but she's transfixed on my father and the demise of her mother. Helplessly, I turn to my father and watch him as he begins to take every bone in the woman's body in his hands and crush it into a fine powder. He leaves her head for last and I feel like vomiting as he places his hands on either side of her head and forces it to collapse unto its' self into the dust pile below him. Then all hell breaks loose...

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