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Drake and Grayson stood still for a moment, staring at the elf in the clearing, rubbing their eyes several times to make sure it wasn't simply an illusion.

Suddenly, Grayson stepped forwards, slightly staggering steps leading up to right in front of....

"Mia?" He whispered, reaching out. "Is it really you?"

"Yes...." The elf smiled. "It is.... By the way... I think I have something of yours..."

And she held out the grey jacket Grayson had given her so many years ago.

"No...." Grayson grinned. "You keep it. It looks great on you."

Mia gave him a watery smile, before placing the jacket on her shoulders.

"Mia...." Drake whispered, also taking a couple steps.

"Yes.... that is my name." Mia attempted at a joke, her eyes bright and shining. "Don't wear it out!"

Drake smiled, and suddenly, they all just hugged.

It wasn't planned, or thought of in advance.

It was just a simple hug, bonded by the hopes they had shared as one, to one day unite once more.

"So.... where have you been?" Drake asked, the first to break the hug.

"Well, I've been travelling." Mia smiled. "I kind of reunited with my sister and..."

"Your WHAT?!" Drake and Grayson yelled in shock.

"Well, I told you, didn't I?" Mia asked them. "That I had a sister...."

"Yeah, but how'd you find her?" Grayson asked her.

"Well, she had to stay out of the range of the Empire for a while..." Mia scratched the back of her head. "For.... Reasons. But, ever since there was a new Emperor, she got a little more confident. I was walking along one day, when, she came to me. We've been travelling together ever since.... Socializing, going on missions.... But my side mission had always been to find you guys... And, now I have to say... My mission is complete!" She beamed.

"I think we can all say all our missions are complete now!" Grayson smiled. "Now, how about everyone comes inside my house? We can talk more there!"

"Oh.... One problem though.... Mia winced. "One of my teammates is sick, and I need to heal him. It may be pretty minor, compared to this, but I still can't just hang him dry!"

"Oh." Grayson said in dismay. "Then, you should go and do that.... But visit later... Okay?"

"Yes!" Mia promised. "Absolutely!"

And she dashed off.

"Okay then, Drake, guess it's just you and me then!" Grayson said, turning around.

"Erm.... Actually, I need to go as well...." Drake sighed. "The stuff in this bottle is pretty potent. It could go haywire without the proper immediate treatment."

"Oh... sure." Grayson's face fell. "Then... I'll see you later?"

"Yes of course!" Drake exclaimed. "I'll see you as soon as I can.

And he went off as well.

And Grayson just stood there, confused, and sorry, as the first drops of rain started to hit.

And that was Reunion (with a question mark! It's different!) Sorry it took so long! I know you were expecting more, but I decided to split what I had originally planned into two separate parts, so I could get it to you quicker! The next part will be out soon, I promise! But it's hard to maintain an even schedule with two books, especially if one of them is a daily thing! XD So, yeah! And if you're wondering about the new book, you can check A Very Haunted Christmas, Day Seven, for more details! See ya! ~Dream

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