Chapter five....Could it get anymore weird

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Image above is Jared Smith.

Nash smiles at me as I shut my locker.

"So are you going to tell me about last night or not?" She smiled trying to hold her excitement in.

"There's not much to talk about." I shrug heading towards the lunch room.

"There was a hot guy at your house and its not a big deal?"

"No it's not."

"Are you trying to kill me Kat?"

"No." I grumble. 

"Well than tell me already!" She whined as we sat down at our table.

"Fine." I sigh. "The only reason he came over was to hang out with Mark until he spotted me studying for a test. Then he drug me to the Skateboard park with him and Mark and then we stayed up watching movies." I shrugged messing with a piece of my brown hair.

"That's it. That's all your going to tell me." She groaned.

"Well that's all it was." I objected. "Besides the fact that we fell asleep next to each other."

"You did!" She smiles. "Not fair, I want to fall asleep next to a hot guy."

I shake my head and look at the table. The table shakes under me as someone sits down. I look up to find Dallas sitting by me. My eyes widen with shock as I feel some gazes land on us. I look over at Nash and shes completely quiet as she stares at him. I look back at Dallas to find him grinning at me, totally oblivious of all the eyes on us. I try to ignore it. "Hi."

"Hey babe." 

The table shakes a little bit more as some more guys pop a squat at our table. What is happening? I look around at the group of guys recognizing them immediately. Mike is sat across from me his dark brown hair tousled. Colton sits next to him, his blue gaze was on a Red head that sat on the other side of the cafeteria. On the other side of Mike is Jared, Nash's crush. I look over at Nash to see that she is shocked to see all the hottest guys in our school sitting at our table. She looks at me and I shrug, not knowing what to say.

Dallas reaches over Fumbling for a pretzel. I smack his hand. "Eat your own food."

He grumbles before picking some food off of his plate.

"Care to introduce us to these lovely ladies?" Mike says interrupting the silence.

Dallas and I look up from our lunch, my cheeks turning red.

"Right." He says looking at me. "This is Katie and her friend that I haven't actually met."

"The names Natasha."

"Aren't you in my chemistry class?" Jared asks Nash.

She nods. "I normally sit towards the back."

"That's what I thought." He says taking a bite of his food showing that he's done talking.

The Bell rings and I stand up and leave the lunchroom to go to my next class.


I come home to the smell of a sugar cookie scented candle. Moms home. I smile dropping my stuff and going into the kitchen. My Mom is sitting on a stool chewing on the end of her pen as she focuses on the paper in front of her. Perfect. I quietly come over and jab my fingers into her sides she jumps with a shriek as she quickly turns to see who it is.

She sighs with relief as she realizes its me. "You almost gave me a heart attack Kat."

I grin.

"Don't do that." She says turning back around and focusing on her work.

"Well I'm sorry that I can't help taking an opportunity when I see one." I say as Mark walks into the kitchen.

He sees me and immediately glares at me as I try to keep in my laughter. Mom looks up at Mark, her eyes widen as she sees my beautiful artwork all over his face. She gasps before turning to look at me.

"Oh come on you have to at least say its a little bit funny."

She shakes her head and looks down at her paper a small smile spreading over her stressed face. I grin and look at Mark.

"So how did you day go?" I ask grinning.

He looks up from the fridge and glares even more. The creak of the kitchen door sounds as I look up to find Dallas walking into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?"

"Project for school." He says grabbing a cheese stick from Mark.

I nod going out of the kitchen so I can get out of the awkward situation. Going up the stairs I went into my room and sat down at my desk pulling open my laptop. I check my Facebook, nothing new pops up. I go to my Pinterest to find that someone has started following me, I smile. See I am popular, just not at my school. I pick up my laptop and go over and sit down on my bed, pulling up. As soon as it opens I find Teen Wolf and as soon as it starts I squeal a little bit. Man do I love this show. I pause it and get changed into some black leggings and a sweatshirt before going downstairs again. Walking into the kitchen I find Dallas and Mark sitting at the table. Dallas had his phone out and was trying to get Pandora to pull up. I walk over and snatch the phone from his hand.

"Hey!" He protests.

I turn the phone off and then turn it on again. Clicking on Pandora I pick out a radio station. Ride by Twenty One Pilots begins to play. I hand the phone back to him. "Your welcome." I turn on my heel and walk over to our pantry. I start singing the song quietly to myself while tapping my foot to the rhythm. Grabbing a cliff bar I went over to Mark and Dallas. "So what are you doing for your project?" I ask taking a bite of my cliff bar.

Mark looks up from his computer. "We're making a movie."

I come over to him and look at the screen. "Sounds fun." I say turning on my heel and walking out of the kitchen and up to my room. I sit down on my bed and get comfortable before pushing play. A couple minutes pass when I hear our doorbell ring. I push pause and start to get up when I realize Mark is downstairs. I smile sitting back down and pushing play.

"Kat!" I hear Mark yell. "Can you come get the door?"

I sigh and pause my show. Don't worry I'll be back soon. I went downstairs and pulled open the door. Mike and Jared stood in front with Colton in the back. I freeze in my tracks. "Why are you here?"

"There here for our project." Mark says pushing me out of the way.

"I thought it was just you and Dallas."

He shakes his head. "Go ahead and go out back I'll meet you guys out there." He says heading into the kitchen. 

I follow after Mark. Dallas is sat at the kitchen counter doing something on Mark's computer. He looks up when he hears the door groan as we enter. Man our door sounds like something from the horror movies. I grin at the thought. Dallas stands up and get out of the way so the herd of cologne smelling boys can go outside. I wave for him to come over so he doesn't get trampled. Dallas obeys and comes and stands by my side. He leans in, his warm breath tickling the skin on my neck which makes me shudder. 

"You know Babe your going to have to be in it." 

I turn and look at him, are faces only a couple inches away. "There's no way I'm going to be in a movie with a bunch of guys."

"At least were all hot guys." He says grabbing my hand and heading out the door. 

Could this day be any weirder. 

;) Author note:

I love all of you!!!! xxx Thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I love writing it!!! Please comment and vote if you like it.


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