Fourteen: Confessions and Running

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There are very few… beings, if you will, that can actually summon a Shadow Keeper. We Keepers are generally a stubborn and don’t take orders from weaker beings. But when we are summoned, we have to follow whatever our summoner orders, with discretion. So here I am stuck in the Penumbra, again, waiting for whoever summoned me to show up and tell me what to do.

Footsteps echo around me. I keep my cool, I needed to keep it otherwise it would be another trip to the Counsel and there are very few who could handle two visits there in a twelve hour time span. So I stand here staring out at the vast darkness that is the Penumbra. The sound stops and I straighten. If they are trying to intimidate, they have the wrong gal.

“Well, the rumors are true. Stubborn, beautiful, and independent. I’ve have even been told you have no weaknesses.” A voice ricochets off the air making it hard to pin point its location.

“Everyone has weaknesses.” I say putting as much boredom into my tone as I can muster; I’m pushing buttons; seeing how far I can bend him before he snaps.

“True, but your different. Why is that?” it’s asks, the tone continually changing; It would seem I’m not the only one trying to make someone snap.

“I don’t fear my weaknesses; I don’t let them tie me down. I embrace them learn from them.” I tried to keep the annoyance from seeping in but of course some slipped in.

“Hmm. Interesting.” Footsteps again. “ I have a job for you.” it says matter-of-factly.

“No, really? I wouldn’t have guessed.” Like I said before, my sarcasm is on auto, I don’t know how to shut it off.

“I’ve been told you’re one of the best at leaving no evidence; your flaws ranged from short temper, no patience, and a sharp tongue. All seem to be true.” He says, irritation underlining his calm façade.

“Seem?” I ask innocently, just some more pushing, I may get him.

“Yes. Seem. Your temper hasn’t shown yet and your patience seems to be thick unlike mine, now do you or do you not want this job?” well, one push was all it took. Usually you have to take a job no matter what and if he’s looked me up like he says, then he should know that, but of course we tend to be forgetful when emotions control us.

“I do not.” I inform him gently.

“What?!” Did anyone else see the explosion?

“I don’t take orders from nonexistent voices. You have to be corporal and I need to be able to see you, as in identifiable features and what’s with the whole voice change thing, I mean really? That’s really original.” Note the sarcasm. I register the change in pressure, then the blast of energy. A flash of lightning shots towards me. Okay then, if he wants to play dirty, I’ll just play along.

I put my hands in front of me defensively, but what he doesn’t know is the fact that if I’m hit with almost any form of fire, I absorb it; automatically transforming it into energy. It hits home, I fall, let out a groan of ‘pain’ and basically put on a show for his benefit. If he comes out, well let’s just say he wouldn’t ever dare dream of underestimating a Keeper again.

I feel a presence behind me. Then it bends to my level and sighs.

“I really hate hurting beautiful things. But I know you can heal and that was for your benefit; don’t get on my bad side.” My blood begins to simmer and my Panther rattles her cage, demanding that I let her give this guy an attitude check. He drops a folder in front of me. I say nothing, but just as he begins to go, I lay down some ‘what not to do when dealing with a Shadow Keeper’. I send his bolt right back at him; it a direct hit and he goes down.

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