Epilogue Part Two: To begin a New Journey

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I stood on my Dragon, overlooking the massacre that had happened. Those foolish Hunters! Did they really think numbers would faze the Fire Runners? I thought to myself, the icy chill of my black flames cooled the air around me as my anger rose for those down there that dared to call themselves Hunters. My dragon, Simi, gave a shake of her head letting me know the cold was bothering her. Even though she was an Arctic Dragon, no cold could compare to that of the flames of destruction that burns within my life blood. I calmed myself and stooped down to pat the top of her head, mulling over the battle that had taken place not two hours ago.

The visions I receive may not always come to pass but this battle was never to take place. But it all happened because the ruling council of this sector decided it would be funny for humans to birth a Hunter. I had all of them punished for being stunningly stupid. As for the child, I had him sent to my sister, Leah and her husband Marcus. Their child had been a still born and Le always wanted a child, so I thought it a win-win situation. I was right they welcomed the babe with the utmost enthusiasm. I smiled slightly at the memory.  

          “My Prince! We have found the leader!” Called my squire, Edmund and just like that my face became an impassive wall of no emotions, blank.

“Very well Ed.” I didn’t have to yell, my voice traveled like the wind always being loud enough for any situation. I jumped the necessary fifty feet fall to get to the ground. I landed with a soft thud next to Edmund. With a flourish of my hand, I called Simi back to me. She transformed into a soft yellow light before racing down my arm and taking the shape of a vicious dragon tattoo on my entire torso.

“Take me to him.” I ordered, my swirling navy irises flashing. He nodded and led me over to a charred body, surrounded by my personal healers. When the head healer saw our approach he straightened out and gave me a grave shake of his head. He didn’t have to say anything; no one can be revived after one of her attacks. This body was proof that Katielena Kidstrong was here not so long ago. Damn, just think about her made me want her, yet hate her. Damn, I hated this. I hated that wise-woman and her prophecy. She just had to predict my soul mate to be the White Flame Shadow Keeper. Agh. I hate Katielena with a passion, and with an equal passion I loved her. My mother stopped my father from killing that woman after she had said that on the day of my birth, saying that maybe we could find a way around it. But try as I might, I couldn’t find a way out of this.

That’s why I’m searching for her again, the last time I found her I tried to force her into submission, but only to learn she had no idea of us being soul mates nor was it easy for me to watch her suffer every day. Her screams nearly killed me; I locked myself in my room whenever I was ordered to torture her by my father. I felt every blow tenfold, worse I felt her heart form a wall to block me out then she started to completely hate me. Even though she is somewhere I can never reach, I can still feel our bond and even though she doesn’t know what it is, I know she feels it too. Her heart aches for me, the body yearns for my touch, her mind seeks my voice and vice versa.

It has been so long since I had seen her. I made a mental note on visiting her in our dreams tonight. At least in the dreams, I could show how I truly loved her, but it wasn’t easy at first, she ran and hid from me. I hated that feeling, but I fought for her and eventually she warmed up to me. When she was ready I told her about the prophecy and how sick I felt when I was ordered to torture her. She said that she didn’t hate me and that if we were in fact soul mates then she would come to love me, but at the moment she didn’t trust me nor did she love me. That was expected, but it still stung.

I began to walk through the aftermath. As I began to edge closer to the pond, Simi began to stir. The closer I walked the more the squirmed. Finally I snapped.

“Settle Simi!”

“Master, I smell another.” She whimpered slightly.

“Are you certain?”

“Positive, I also know what kind. A Solar Volcanic.” She whispered the last part as if afraid just speaking of the kind would bring it here. I, on the other hand, was shocked. A Solar Volcanic Dragon, one of the most dangerous kinds. Untamable and very powerful. Now the only question remains is; where has it gone now?

 I was snapped out of my confusing thoughts when four bodies were thrown at me feet.

“They say they were the seconds.” My beta informed me. I looked down at the three men and a woman at me feet. Three were blonde and those were whimpering and slightly shaking in fear. The other, a dark haired man, looked me straight in the eyes, not wavering or challenging. I liked him.

“Keep the dark haired, kill the others.” I ordered and the woman, well more like girl, shrieked and clung on to my leg begging for mercy and making promises of pleasure. I held my hand up to stop a solider from killing her. I took her fake face in to my hands, stroking her cheek slightly, all the while comparing her to Katie.

“Look at me.” And her muddy brown eyes fluttered open. I inwardly cringed at the horrible color. Katie’s eyes have a chocolate hue to them and the silver always seemed to make her eyes shine with whatever emotion she was feeling; the stronger the feeling the brighter and more noticeable the silver. I smiled slightly as I caressed my way down the girl’s neck. In one fluid motion I snapped the her neck. She crumpled in to a motionless heap at me feet. One of the men had tears streaking down his face, in fact her looked so much like her. Probably siblings. I thought to myself as wiped my hands on my black leather pants.

“Continue.” I motioned to the other two men. I turned and walked away, knowing that Edmund and a solider dragging the prisoner would follow. We walked through the forest until we came upon my camp. I made a beeline for my tent, I was eager to get to know the newling but not enough so to pass up the opportunity to touch my beloved again. So with that I entered my tent, kicked off my boots, stripped my shirt and lay down on the feather and fur bed. A warm breeze drifted through the tent flaps and carried with it the sound of Edmund giving off orders, weapons being sharpened and my cousin fussing over the meal. I grinned slightly; I could never do more until I was in my beloved’s presence, only then could I give a genuine smile.

 Clearing my mind, I conjured up our dream world and waited for my beloved to materialize before me. This time, I vowed to myself. This time I will tell her I love her.  

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