Two: Us

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What are Shadow Keepers? Well, that’s basically it, we keep the shadows. Umm, let’s see if I can explain it better.

Well about twelve thousand years ago, a man named Kepan, and his wife Jermera had twin sons, Apanno and Hephite. The gods looked upon their birth with pride, for they saw the best warriors to ever live. So they gave them powers. Apanno could control light and run just as fast as light. He could also read minds. Hephite was strong, I mean like unbelievably strong, no Shadow keeper since has been as strong as he was. He was incredibly agile for his strength; in truth he didn’t even look all that strong; he just looked… average. He could also create a force field. They both were excellent in weaponry. They could pick up any weapon for the first time and wield it like they’ve been wielding it for years (that skill is thanks to Athena and Ares).

The gods helped them train their skills, so in time they were incredible. When they fought separately they were excellent, but when they fought together they were unstoppable. What one lacked in the other made up for.

When the gods said they were ready, they gave them each a weapon of their skill, 2 daggers, two katanas, and one special tool. Apanno was gifted a bow from Apollo, intricately designed. And silver tipped arrows with black shafts and phoenix feathers. His family crest was proudly displayed on the quiver. He was given a healing cordial, made on Olympus by Hestia. Hephite was gifted a battle ax, from Ares, and a shield which he could focus his force field into and it could project a field that could protect a large city without him having to over work himself. The daggers they were given were made from the bone of a very powerful griffin.

The katanas however were the, most important weapon in their arsenal. When Zeus gave them each his katana he told them their purpose, “We granted you these powers and tools, not so you could abuse them, but to use for the greater good of the humans. The titans are moving and they are trying to get the shadows to join them. If they succeed, mankind would suffer greatly. Your duty is to watch the shadows, keep them where they belong. Neutral, not joining either side. Your heirs will inherit powers like yours, you will know how to train them when the time comes, for this war will not end soon.” After both brothers agreed to their duties, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus unsheathed their swords, and spoke in a language ,that would become the Shadow Keepers own, saying ‘Aprudea, sav’eon colsead brecor’. The three swords began to glow brightly, but different colors. Hades sword was glowing the black aura of death, Poseidon’s began to glow icy blue and Zeus’ sword shown a bright white light. Zeus had to yell over the noise of the power that emanated off of each sword, “Soul Reaper!” he called. Then Poseidon called “Oath Keeper!”, finally Hades called his sword to life,” Oblivion!” There was a deafening explosion; then the swords dimmed to a dull glow and began to pulse. The three gods place their sword together and then Zeus said again ‘Aprudea, sav’eon colsead brecor’. Then all the two brothers could feel was pain and then darkness.

When they finally awoke, they found they could hear voices and they were everywhere. Finally it became too much for Hephite, he yelled “Enough!” then all was quiet.

“You are now able to hear the shadows. You’ll get used to it, eventually.” Both brothers jumped up at the sound of the voice, weapons in hand.”You will also be able to hear plans made secretly in the shadows.” “Who are you, and where are you?” called Apanno with an arrow nocked and ready. “You can also summon them and bend the shadows to your will. Use your power wisely.” As the last words were spoken Athena materialized in front of them. Then she gave them each a kiss for good luck and then disappeared.

 Soon after that the two brothers began their duties.

Five thousand years later the war between the gods and the titans finally came to a respite with Peruses’ victory over the kraken. At that time Apanno and Hephite’s great, great, great (a lot more greats) grandsons Shaton and Ebeck were the shadow keepers. Shaton became angry with the gods for forgetting them. Ebeck tried to reason with his brother but it was no use. Shaton left to gain more power to destroy the gods. The gods found out about his treason and ordered his execution. Ebeck pleaded with the gods for his brother’s life, but they did not head him. Ebeck watched his brother execution; he was filled with pain for he could do nothing.

 That night sleep evaded him, visions of his brother, of their accomplishments, their life, everything they went through only to end like that. When sleep finally came so did the nightmares.

Sometime during the night the shadows awoke him to warn him of an omnipresent danger. He heard the sound of steel against leather. He’s instincts took over and he jumped out of bed daggers in hand.

There were two men in his room. Ebeck’s sword was behind him, luckily, but to retrieve it would mean turning his back on his opponents. Both men stood in the shadows so it was hard to see their faces. One had his battle ax drawn while the other one stood further back. He seemed to be pulling the strings, because he stepped forward and said to the warrior,” You see? He has forgotten you. See how he looks to his sword, even he is willing to destroy you.” The man’s voice was ice cold, filled with malice, but it had a very luring, hypnotic tone to it. The warrior stiffened and looked hurt. Then he spoke, “Is that true, brother?” That voice. His voice. Ebeck fell to his knees as the warrior stepped out. Shaton face looked hurt. Tears were forming in his eyes. “Is it?” Shaton asked again, his voice barely audible. Ebeck just sat there shocked, mouth agape, confused. When he finally found his voice, Ebeck swallowed, and whispered, more to clear his head than anything else, “You’re supposed to be dead.” The look of pain was replaced by a look of anger. “So it would seem that I have been forgotten.” Shaton said. “I told you it was a waste of time to come here” said the second man as he stepped out. What Ebeck saw, made bile raise in the back of his throat. The man was a Titan, the very beings whom they were fighting, Shaton went and joined them. Ebeck suddenly was on his feet and at his sword while wielding the shadows. He would not let Shaton be controlled by the titans. But Shaton saw Ebeck movement and stepped in front of the titan. He called the shadows to him and stepped through a door so that he and the Titan and easily escaped through the shadows.

When Ebeck finally calmed down Athena was in the room with him, he felt her presence long before he saw her. That’s how it was with her. She asked him what happened and he relayed the story, more to understand it himself than to actually say it. Athena relayed the story to Zeus, but there was nothing he could to Shaton, the titans were protecting him and in turn he would use the shadows against the very ones who gave him the gift.

Hades finally came up with a solution. “We must take away his title as Shadow Keeper. All the other powers he has inherited but shadows were something we gave him.” All the gods agreed. “We must also take away his weapons -” He continued. “But,” Athena interrupted “we can only take away the katana, his other weapons were part of his inheritance; something we cannot take, just like his power.” The entire counsel became silent, deep in thought. Finally Zeus spoke,” We will take the shadow wielding ability from him, as well as his katana. Ebeck shall have many descendants. They will now have more powers, different powers, and they will now not only protect the shadows from the titans but they will also protect man from Shaton’s descendants. That is my proclamation and so it shall be.”

Then Apollo spoke looking into the distance, scenes playing in his eyes, “ There shall be a shadow keeper that will born a generation of Shadow Keepers more powerful than any before, one of these shall bring peace and order once again, and restore power to man as well. Its blood will be that of the Silver Bloods. Its main power shall be white flames and the ability to control almost every form of fire. It shall have telepathic ability as well and great speed and uncanny control over the shadows. But love shall either be its down fall or its greatest accomplishment.” Apollo finished by saying,” and one of its parents shall be one of us. Its kind will be hunted and killed off. Ending with the peace maker.” “WE CAN NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!”  Zeus bellowed, as thunder raced across the sky. “Then we curse its race.” Atermis said nonchalantly. “By what means?” Aphrodite asked. “We curse them so that one of them cannot be killed lest he/she has an heir.” Atermis clarified. All of the gods nodded in agreement as the thought sunk in. “So it is agreed, we shall curse the White Flame, Shadow Keeper.”

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