Nineteen: New Discovery

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My emotions went on lock down. My mind cleared. Everything became enhanced. My mind was elsewhere, while I pushed my body forward. I felt nothing for the first part of the battle. I was in a daze but my body knew all the moves,










          I was dancing to the gruesome music of war. The only thing that mattered was keeping everyone I cared for, all those under my command, alive. This was war, killing and wounds were inevitable. The four of us have followed these steps so many times, we know without being told when to duck as a knife or arrow flew past us and into an opponent. When fighting back to back and matching each stride perfectly, anticipating a blow or dodge. I stayed in my trance like state until a malicious voice cut through the fog.

          I found myself in the middle of our playing field; Facing Ashton, Jace and Hayden.  Behind me the air stirred; I dodged the blow aimed for my neck. Behind me, Jade and Peter stood, surrounding me with Hunters. If they though cornering me was going to make me shake in my boots, then they better rethink that assumption. You never corner a cat, we are vicious animals.

          “You still have time to surrender. You wouldn’t be a bad addition to the family, a little rowdy, but I can break you into submission.” Ash offers.

“Ashton, how long exactly have you been alive?” I ask, because someone with experience wouldn’t be this stupid.

          “Coming on eighty-nine years, babe.” He winks and I have an itch to knock that smirk right of his face.

          “Right, no wonder you’re so ignorant.” I am becoming increasingly bored. The adrenaline is still in my system, and I had momentum going.

          “Oh, and how old are you, sure you’re not older than fifty or so.” Jade purrs as she hangs on Peter’s arm.

          I smirk, “Try three hundred and seventeen.”

          “You’re lying, she’s lying. Peter, do something about it.” She whines and stomps her foot like a child. I chuckle and Peter bristles.

          “And what are you laughing about?” he sneers but it seemed forced.

          “I’m laughing because after this, the big bad Hunter has to go home to do his honey-do list.” I coo and I hear my team burst into laughter. The Hunters turn in shock, most of my team is on the other side of the field.

          “We have amazing hearing. Being one of the most frequently use assassins in the Shadow realm, it’s a given.” I state and they all turn to face me, I can see the fear in Jade and Hayden’s eyes, the wonderment in Jace, the anger and resentment in Ash, but awe, regret, sadness, and what could have been love flash across Peter’s face before it became a neutral expression. Memories of our times together flash before me. I felt my blood boil. How could I have been so easily manipulated? At that moment I promised myself I would never let it happen again.

          “That’s all fine and dandy, but what do you say huh? Surrender, trust us and become my bride. It’s simple and not as messy.” Ash pleads. Ah so he’s the political type not a fighter. Too bad.

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