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I was always raised to be this person from day one and this is me

If you don’t like it I can be the best I can be.

“Liyah baby I’m so happy to meet you.” My mother kissed me. I’m just coming back from college. Yes, I’m grown, not teenager.

“Thanks ma.” I giggled. “Where pops?”

“Oh that old fool in the back.” She sighs. “You know still working on that car.”

“Still?” I ask.

“Yeah.” She said. “You hungry?”

“Naw I’m good.” I smiled. With me being gone for 4 years straight, I can tell nothing really changed. When I was here all my dad was work on his ’98 convertible. Don’t matter how hard my mother tried to pull him away he still worked on it. When she walked away I can still tell she was tired with him and that. I shook my head and walked upstairs to my old room.

            When I twisted the knob the memories instantly flooded in my mind. My first kiss, time, and sneaking a boy in. I laughed at that thought. I looked down at my bed and rubbed it. The memories are still there and I can’t help but to think about it. I sat on my bed and just looked around, a smile came to my lips when I saw my old laptop. I opened it and saw the login screen still looks the same. A picture of Chris Brown hugging Rihanna popped up. After typing in my password, I saw everything is still the same. Nobody came in and touched anything. I looked over to the top of my drawers, and saw the pictures. I walked over to the picture I took when I was 13.

            I was with my classmates in my singer’s class. I smiled ay my gap and ugly sweater. As I scan at the picture I see my old best friend Tasha. We was like paint to a wall, couldn’t break up apart. I miss her.

“Nobody came in here.” My mother whispered. “When family tried I always stop them.” I looked up and saw her smiling and looking around. “It’s been 4 years since I been in here.”

“I know I can tell.” I smiled. “I mean I can still the perfume pops gave to me when I was only14.” She giggled. She walked over to my little doll grandma gave me.

“Remember this?” she asked, waving it around. “You were only 2 when she gave it to you.” I giggled. “You wouldn’t let this doll go, I mean you took a bath with it, sung to it, even ate with it.” We both giggled.

“I know! I know!” I laughed. “That was my baby.” I walked over to it and hugged it close.

“You know she happy you’re back.” She whispered. “We all are.” She walked to the door and stopped. “I have some friends I want you to meet. They’re coming over for dinner.”

“Okay.” I smiled, looking at her. “Just call me down.” She nodded and walked out the door. I turned and looked out my window. I can’t believe it, my old tree house is still here.

Happy To Be Back Home.

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