Chapter 15: I'll Always Protect You

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Beca's POV:

I can finally leave, I can finally see Jesse. I get ready, wash my face (as there is still makeup smothered down it) and gather my things. Hesitantly, I check my smashed phone, just in case, but luckily no more texts, relief runs through my body. Even though there has been ALOT of drama today, all I can think about is Jesse. When I was passed out, I was thinking of him, his warm embraces, his passionate kisses, his mesmorizing eyes. I could have stayed unconscious for ever, part of me wanted to stay in this safe dream world, but while i was out of it, Jesse told me to wake up (I know it sounds stupid, but he gave me the strength to pull myself out of this coma).I love him, now after all this I know this, I need him.

While Beca was passed out (her dream)

I'm falling, deeper and deeper into my emotions. I can tell this is a dream, but I've not fallen asleep. Ive never fainted before, I've never beat up my best friend and ran out of an auditorium crying before either, but I guess there's a first for everything. This seems to real, where am I? I'm in the hospital, but there's no one in sight, its dark and creepy (it feels like I'm in the twilight movie). I hear groans and screams like a horror movie. There's a room at the end of the hall, I don't want to enter, but I have no control over my body (like most dreams). The screams and groans were getting louder. I take a look at my surroundings, there's hospital beds everywhere. Oh God. There's all the Bellas in each bed, all in bandages, all unconscious, what have I done? This dream is to real, the horror, the pain is to much. I get a text from M (even when I'm unconscious I still get texts from my stalker). 'You did this to them!!'. I look up and see this dark figure. I run towards it, tears plummeting down my cheeks. They've gone, disappeared. I collapse, just like I did before I ended up here. Who is this and why is this happening to me? I put my head in my hands and stay there, hoping that when I look up I'll be back in the real world or it will all stop. I get a tap on the shoulder. "Jesse,"
"Beca, everything is going to be okay, I'm going to be okay and your going to be okay," her says calmly (still a dream).
He hugs me and whispers something in my ear. "Don't let it consume you, fight it, you can get out of this coma, only of you want to," he stands up and puts out his hand. I look up into his chocolate eyes that I trust and grab his hand.
Dream finished.

Back to before

Jesse saved me. He may not no it, but in my dream he was the one who helped me escape the nightmare, and now I need to see him in real life. Rapidly, I dart out of the room (well more of a wobble as I've been in a bed for ages). All of my friends spot me and start to stand up to see if I'm alright (sweet), but Chloe stops them knowing where I'm heading, she so gets me.

This is it, I'm about to see him, my hand shaking uncontrollably, why am I making a big deal out of this, I'm dying to see him. Wait. What if he doesn't remember who I am? What if he has amnesia and thinks I did this to him? Holy crap Beca, why the hell am I worrying so much . Drama changes you, just like when you watch an episode of Pretty little liars. Not that I watch that or anything (Chloe made my watch it). I slowly creak open the door to see my little weirdo, thank god he's okay.

Jesse's POV :

I'm sitting on the side of my bed just waiting for something to happen. The doctors told me about Becs after my surgery, I just hope she's okay. It's 11:00 pm (wow 9 hours I've been here). I hear foot steps. The door slowly opens. "Oh my god Beca!" I say in relief as I run towards her. I hug tightly, making up for the 9 hours of not being together we lost whilst 'everything' happened. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, pulling her in closer. She sobbed into my neck and I tried to pull her even closer against me, so that nothing could stand between us.
"Thank god you're okay, I was worried sick," She wept, sniffling into my chest. I touch her hair and felt it's softness caress my fingers like a gentle summer breeze. The messy curls stretched out as i moved them through my fingers, then curled back bouncing like a spring back into place. I stroke it lovingly and wanted to embrace her more trying my best to comfort her.
"I'm fine, but are you okay, the doctors told me what happend, why did you do that?" I push away slightly and gently grab her arms. Beca avoids eye contact, like she's afraid that I might do something, I would never too anything to her.
"I d - don't know. I just lashed out and hurt the people I love the most, and I guess all this just got to much for me," She croaked. I place my hand on her chin and tilt it up towards me, our eyes fixed on each others, I stare longingly into a ashy - blue ocean of sorrow and regret. Beca's pain burns deep inside of me, like I've taken an arrow to the heart. All I want to do is to fix her and make her understand that this is not her fault (i don't really know who's fault it is).
"Everything is going to be alright now, I'll do whatever it takes to stop this," I pushed my nose firmly into her collarbone and I run a hand through her hair once again.

Beca's POV :

I could feel the strength in his arms as he wrapped them around me, to trap me in his neverending warmth. As he embraces me, I can feel the life in him, the blood pumping in his veins, and the warm breath coming off his lips. "I will always protect you," he whispers.
"Promise," he replies giving me a final squeeze before saying this.
"Hey, I think they have The Breakfast Club on the TV, do you wanna watch it?" He suggests, I can't resist his adorable and trust worthy eyes.
"I would love to," I add brushing my hand against his cheek, then gently clasping both hands around the sides of his weery face and pull in for a kiss. Our lips intertwine, lingering for a second then slowly pulling away brushing against each other. Our foreheads meet. Jesse rushes his hand through my hair to the back of my head, then gently kisses my forehead.

We lie there on the bed watching the Breakfast Club. His warm, protective body cocoons around mine. I don't know what I would do with out him in my life. I will always love this weirdo.


Hope u liked this. Sorry I've not been updating as often as I did, I've just been busy (not really). I like this chapter, less drama and more Jeca in this one. Hope u like it xxx

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