Slipping Up

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(Damn, I am really late...! Sorry, guys, I say this every time but I've been really busy. This is my last week of uni before Christmas so I've been getting ready for my assignments due in the new year (I've got two essays, a film script and an evaluation of the script, plus a group presentation on Thursday...). Anyway, I will still post another ficlet later this week, and the Christmas special will be next week, but I may take a hiatus for the actual week of Christmas cuz I'm going to be away for most of it. Also, just throwing this out there but my birthday happens to be on Christmas Day like just so you know anyway let's get to the story~)

(I'm using the Entean (the Ente Islan language) alphabet thing from the original version of the anime (as in, the Japanese/sub) even though I watch the dub just cuz I can't find the alphabet for the dub. I'll paste a copy of it at the bottom)

(Headcanon: Urushihara sometimes accidently slips back into speaking Entean. Suggested by CinderAshTree on

Urushihara lay on his back beside his desk, holding a book above his face. This time, it had been checked out from the library with Ashiya's help, not bought online with Maou's credit card as so many of his possessions had been. This book in particular happened to be written in English. Lately, he'd been taking more of an interest in foreign languages. As an angel, he could pick them up pretty much instantly. It was just another natural ability that "came with the territory".

After he had left Heaven, he had taken to speaking Entean from the moment he first heard it. He didn't have much need to use other languages before, but now he had the chance to try.

Even after living in Japan for some time, Entean still came to him more naturally in some situations.

"Urushihara, would you put that book down and help me already?!"

Oh, and Ashiya was home and making demands, as usual.

Urushihara, however, wasn't paying attention.

"Vige pe a popenh..."

Ashiya turned to Urushihara with a slightly irritated look. He couldn't say this hadn't happened before.

"You're slipping again."

At this, Urushihara jumped, sitting up and almost losing his place in the book in the process.

"Shut up! What does it matter what language I'm using so long as you can understand me?!"

He was getting defensive. Like a child. That was how he always reacted whenever Ashiya or Maou pointed it out to him.

"We are living as Japanese citizens in this world and as such, we speak Japanese. That is His Majesty's will and as his loyal subjects, we should follow him."

Urushihara only blinked, staring at him almost completely expressionless.

What a tool...

Rolling his eyes, he lay down again and opened the book.

He didn't see why it mattered so much if he slipped up when it was only in front of them. They spoke Entean, they knew what he was saying. Then again, there were a few odd moments when his slipping was nothing short of embarrassing, especially for someone so socially inept as Urushihara.

There was a knock at the door and a voice.

"Delivery here for a Mr Hanzo Urushihara."


He was alone. He may be skipping out on facing the wraths of his roommates for making another online purchase, but he still had to move to get to the door. He stood and trudged over lazily to answer.

"Htanr cou..."


There was a brief moment of silence as Urushihara realised what had just happened.

Of course, the delivery guy just brushed it off, assuming Urushihara was some kind of foreigner or something. He wasn't exactly wrong. But the second the door closed, Urushihara sank down.

Maou arrived home only a couple of minutes later to find him in the form of a crumpled mess on the tatami mats. His eyes slowly drifted to the abandoned package that had been dropped only a foot or two away, then back.

"... You bought something with my money?"

Urushihara nodded the best he could from his position face down on the floor.

"And you slipped up again, didn't you?"

"Shut up...!"

*   *   *




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