The Day Before Christmas

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(Ah, well, my children, here it is, time for the Christmas ficlet! I'm going on holiday over Christmas so, yes, I am taking a week-long hiatus and the next ficlet will probably come in the new year. Btw, I finally got my copy of volume 3 of the light novel but I'm saving it to read while I'm away~ ... I'm turning 20 on Christmas Day... I can't even say I'm a teenager anymore, I'm an actual legit adult, this is it... *sigh* Anyway, this is also a follow-up to Sick Of It. I managed to think up a Christmas-themed plot that actually fit a headcanon suggestion I got a few weeks ago! Merry Christmas, guys~!)

(Headcanon: Chiho notices that Urushihara is getting annoyed by all the purple in his life and decides to do something about it. Suggested by Hanachana on

As Winter rolled around, Urushihara found he loved having the apartment to himself the most when snow was falling outside and he could get a sense of smug satisfaction out of the fact that he was safe, warm and dry inside while the others were facing the bitter damp and cold.

Today, however, was not one of those days. Far from it.

Today was December 23rd, only two days before the humans would celebrate Christmas. And even though Japan's way of celebrating the holiday wasn't quite as religiously driven as it was in the west, there was still something about it that made Urushihara a little uncomfortable.

That "something" was mostly people.

Specifically, the people sitting around the table in the centre of the room that he had, once again, been banned from joining them at who were talking and laughing (and shouting) and generally getting on his nerves. The girls had joined them for the afternoon and Ashiya, Suzuno and Chiho had all collaborated in cooking a meal for everyone. Everyone except Urushihara, of course. He was used to it by now, but the noise was especially irritating this time. Who knew Satan would be so excited about Christmas? He had even taken the effort to get some lights and a cheap miniature plastic tree.

Soon after the volume started to rise, Urushihara took out his headphones. He kept his eyes glued on the screen and tried to block out the sounds that still managed to reach his ears, but he only grew more annoyed when he caught sight of his reflection, purple eyes staring back at him obstructed by purple hair. He may have sensed someone shift behind him but he didn't care. He was too focused on his game, and trying not to hate his own face. Every now and then he would sneer and brush his hair away but it always fell back in his line of sight eventually.

He had no idea how much time had passed, but sooner or later, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Surprised, Urushihara removed his headphones and turned his head enough to see Chiho crouched behind him, looking at him questioningly. He glanced past her to where Ashiya and Suzuno were cleaning up in the kitchen while Emi and Maou were engaged in another argument.

Furrowing his brow, he looked back at Chiho.


"Um... Are you alright? It's just that you looked like you were getting a little frustrated about something."

... What?

"What do you care?"

Chiho's eyes suddenly began to wonder.

"It's not really that I care, I guess I was just curious, and everyone else is kinda busy..."

As usual.

"Nothing you need to be concerned about, Sasaki." He said lazily and went to put his headphones back in but Chiho spoke up again.

"Is it something wrong with your hair?" she asked, pointing at him, "I noticed you were playing around with it a lot."

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