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"I'm not very good at this, I'm sorry if I get it wrong." Spock said, holding your hand while you two walked to the observation deck.

"I'm sure anything will be just fine Spock." You say, smiling as his hand held yours. Rarely did you get this Public Display of Affection from him.

"Are you sure? We can just go back to my quarters and eat dinner there if you wouldn't like to be here." Spock asked again, obviously nervous about this date. It was pretty cute, you liked it when he broke his Vulcan personality and turned more human.

"Spock, if I'm with you, anything will be fine." You insist, pulling on his arm to stop him. He did and looked back at you, concern filling his face. Before he could say anything, you pecked his lips and smiled.

"Thank you Y/N." Spock said, starting to walk again. You followed, blushing.

The observation deck was filled with lights. They were strung lights, small bulbs glowing a soft yellow light. Fancy food was sitting on a coffee table, a couch in front of the table. No other lights were on except for the string lights, creating a romantic light.

"Oh Spock..." You gasp, looking around the room.

"Do you like it?" He asked, standing in front of you with both of your hands in his.

"Spock..I love this.." You mutter, still taking in the scene.

"I'm glad." Spock said, kissing your lips for a long time. When you two moved apart, he dragged you to the couch. The two of you ate, making small talk. Spock cleared the dishes and sat beside you in the couch, watching as you stated out the window at the stars.

"This is the best thing.." You mumble, smiling over at him. Spock moved closer, one arm wrapping around your shoulders.

"You're the best thing.." He muttered, kissing your cheek to your lips. "Come with me real quick." He said, standing up.

You stood up and followed him to the window. He turned to face you, both hands in yours. "Y/N, I know this is such a human thing, but you are human. So anyway, I love you Y/N.."

"I love you Spock." You say, smiling.

"One more thing," Spock said, nervously looking into your eyes. He got down on one knee and kept both of your hands in his. "Will you marry me?"

In shock, you moved both of your hands to your face, tears already streaming down your face. "Spock.." You mumble, only only word you could muster.

"Did I upset you? I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to. I will just leave." Spock said, standing up and starting to walk towards the door.

"Spock wait, yes. I will marry you." You choke out, tears pouring down your face. Spock looked back at you, shock in his face.

"But you are crying. " Spock said, walking over to you and taking your hands again.

"Happy tears Spock. Happy tears." You choke out again, pulling him into a hug.  Spock hugged you back, letting you bury your face into his chest.

"So you agree to marry me?" Spock asked, kissing your forehead.

"Yes Spock. I will marry you." You say, looking up and kissing his cheek.

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