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**I shouldn't love my screensaver as much as I do....
I can take one more request! I have a couple to do already but I haven't done Kirk in ages so sorry for the wait!
It's reallyyyy short but I hope you guys like it anyway!!**

Amusement parks usually weren't your kind of thing. You didn't enjoy roller coasters or heights or loops or anything like that. Your boyfriend, Jim, on the other hand, lived for the thrill.

"Come onnnnnnn!" Jim whined, having to yell due to the noise. It was a teen night at the amusement park, every so often they have a night just where teens come. Ages fourteen to twenty. It wasn't really a large audience for the park, but it sure was fun.

"Jim I really hate roller coasters!" You exclaim, fear swelling in your stomach. Jim held you hands, trying to pull you with him. You had dug your heels into the ground, refusing to come.

Suddenly, your feet slipped and you fell forward, your face implanting into Jim's chest. "I'll make you a deal. You go on the roller coaster of my choice, I won't make it a bad one I promise. And I'll let you cuddle with me in the car to relax and then if you wish we can come back and do what rides as you'd like."

You contemplated for a while, a smirk forming on your face. "Making out as well?"

Jim nodded, kissing your lips gently. "Let's go!!" Jim exclaimed, suddenly turning into a small child. A wide childish grin plastered his face as he dragged you to a roller coaster.

The tracks rose high, a steep drop causing your stomach to plummet with the sight. No loops at least. That was good. "Do-do-do I have to go?.." You stutter, your body quivering.

"It'll be okay I'll be there the whole time." Jim reassured, keeping a tight grip on your hand.

The two of you got into the roller coaster car. The instant it lurched to a start, you started to cry and gripped Jim's hand. The drop was the worst, the feeling of air pushing your back at the seat was agonizing. You didn't think it would go well.

When you got off, you took a few steps. You got out of the gates and almost to the car before you darted go a garbage can and threw up. Jim held your hair back and rubbed soothing patterns on your back.

"I can't believe you saw me do that." You mumble, getting into the back of the car and began the hunt for mints.

"Hey it's fine. I'm the one that made you go." Jim insisted, continuing to rub you back as you looked. When you found a mint, you also grabbed a toothbrush and a water bottle. You always kept a toothbrush in your purse, you were weird like that.

When you came back, the seats were laying down and Jim had gathered a couple blankets. "Cuddling?" You ask.

"Cuddling." Jim answered, scooting over. You laid down in the car and snuggles close to him, your head on his chest. Jim rubbed your back again, running one hand through your hair.

"This is way better than roller coasters." You mention, the trembling beginning to subside. Jim smiled and nodded.

"Definitely." He said, holding you close. You managed to finally feel safe and comfortable once again. Safe in Jim Kirk's arms.

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