Burning Love

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"Please don't." She whispered.
Her eyes were shut tight,
and her hand clutched at her chest,
as if she were somehow trying
to protect her heart.

"You're hurting me," she continued.
"Even if you don't know it."
Her eyes were open now,
Tears beginning to build,
As she stared blankly at the ground.

"Seeing you, nearly everyday,
With someone that isn't me,
You haven't any idea
What that feels like,
Do you?"

And of course,
The only thing
She received was a stare,
And a blank one
At that.

"It feels like I'm being torn,
Into millions of different pieces,
And the only thing
That's left behind
Is my heart."

"And ironically,
It still beats.
Actually it beats
For you,
Might I add."

"As it beats,
You hold it.
In the palm of your hand
It sits,
Waiting for your love."

She lifts her head,
ever so slightly
And hums softly
When she feels the
Beating of her own heart.

"But you betray me,
And you betray my heart.
You don't give it your love,
Instead you hold it
Above an open flame."

She laughs humorlessly.
"It's pretty funny actually,
How the warmth
Of the flames
Warms my heart."

"And how my heart
Thinks it's the warmth
Of your love,
And not
The flames."

And now the blank stare
She was receiving
Turns into a stare
That shows nothing
But regret and sympathy.

"You're love is like a fire.
It's beautiful
and it glows.
But if you get to close,
You're going to end up getting burned."

Where did this come from idk. hope you enjoyed xx

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