With No Evil

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At 11:30 pm, she lies in her bed,
Silently praying to whoever is
There to listen.
She prays for a night
Where she can finally sleep,
And not worry about the evil things
That come out when she closes her eyes.

At 1 am, she pulls the blanket
Up to her chin, willing herself to fall asleep,
Because she's not sure if she can handle
Another sleepless night.

At 3 am, she begins to slip into
A deep sleep, only to be waken up
By the evil things that refuse to let
Her sleep.

At 6 am, when the sun finally decides
To make an appearance in the lonely sky,
She sits on her bed, her eyes red,
And her body tired from the lack of sleep.

She tries to make it through the day,
Laughing and smiling to keep
Her friends and family from
Thinking anything's wrong.

But at 11:30 pm, the cycle starts all over.
And so she prays again, with her blanket
Pulled up to her chin, with her eyes half closed,
For just one night of sleep, with no evil.

hope you enjoyed xx

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