Finish Line

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I walk around,
hopelessly moping around,
hoping that one day
someone will notice me.
Notice that I'm not okay,
that I'm not fine.
Notice that even as I tell
them 'I'm okay',
I'm two seconds away
from having tears
streaming down my face.
Most people believe the smile
that finds its way onto my face,
but it's a lie. It's a mask, a disguise,
to hide what's really going on.
To make them believe
that nothing's wrong.
I feel trapped, inside my own mind,
stuck within these thoughts
that tell me I'm not fine.
If I were fine,
I wouldn't feel as if
I was fighting a losing battle.
I'm running uphill,
but I'm still stuck at the bottom.
I'm running in circles,
Chasing something that doesn't
Want to be caught, and now
I'm caught up in a never ending
Race, trying to pick up the pace
To at least make it to the finish line.
Even if I crawl across that finish line,
At least I would have made it.
So help me, please.
Give me the motivation to keep
Pushing through the all the heartache,
Cheer me on, and say 'you've got this'
Because right now,
I feel as if I don't have anything.
I feel as if I am losing
And I feel lost,
And I feel that maybe if I keep losing,
I will eventually end up being so
Lost that I won't be able to make it
Back to cross that finish line.

thanks to the person who continuously makes me feel emotionally unstable, the inspiration is great. hope you enjoyed xx

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