We Have Nothing

336 22 1

You asked me if
I really could just walk away
From us as if what we had was nothing.
I'm just going to say that what
We have is nothing.
There never was an us, or a we,
And to be honest, there never will be.
You and I both know this, I could
Try to be funny and say we both
Know this, but that would be fucked up.
So yes, I really can walk away from us.
Because I'm hurting, and if I walk away,
I'll still be hurting, but I'd have a reason to be
Hurting. Why should I be hurting now?
Why should I be hurting when I have you by
My side? Maybe it's because I have you,
But I don't really have you. So, yes.
I'm walking away. Maybe you'll be
Able to understand the amount of pain
I went through to keep you happy.

kiss me hard before you go... hope you enjoyed xx

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