No Way

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Hazel POV

First off, what the hell is Chris doing here! My mind is going crazy right now and don't even know what to say. I just see Chris rush over with his hands balled up in my dates' shirt and I'm just shocked. Because, why the hell is Chris here!

"What are you doing?" I asked Chris pushing him off of Marcus. I look at Marcus trying to straighten out his shirt that had a massive amount of wrinkles now. I look at Chris very sternly. "I asked you a question."

"I-I don't know I was worried about you." He told me with his head hanging low. Wow, you worried about me Chris? I'm so mad I could slap this boy right now.

"I don't know what your deal is but you should leave. You lucky I haven't got my hands on you." Marcus blurted out. I looked at him and pointed my finger for him to stop. But by that time Chris was in his face.

"Why don't you then asshole? You wasn't looking all tough when I was about to punch the shit outta you!" He yelled in his face. Marcus pushed him back, but before Chris could react security was there to escort Chris out. He told us to leave.

We were outside now and I couldn't stop looking at Chris. I was so mad, first he ruined my date now he wants to fight him. What's going on?

"I'm not done with you!" He pointed at Marcus and got into his red Lexus. After he sped off I turned to Marcus. I was so embarrassed. I looked at him and apologized over and over again.

"I'm so sorry Marcus I don't know what got into him he's never like that I promise you." I told him. He kept telling me it was okay but I knew it wasn't.

"Are you ready to go home?" He asked me as he opened the passenger side of his car. Might as well. Oh, Chris your going to hear it from me soon.

"Yeah I guess so." I really was enjoying myself I liked Marcus. When he started kissing me I didn't stop him because I liked it he made me feel good. Hopefully we can go out again and I won't be telling Chris where I'm going for sure this time.

The drive to my house was silent. I just looked at the lights at all the stores that passed me. They were so beautiful, Christmas was my favorite holiday. Just the music and people saying happy holidays and being happy made me happy. There wasn't much snow on the ground. But some new snow began to fall and cover it.

When we got to my house, I looked Marcus' way. "I'm really sorry again." I tell him again. I put my hand over his.

"You shouldn't be don't worry about it okay." He held my hand and gave me a quick peck on my lips. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Marcus."

I got out of the car and waved as he drove off. I made my way to the front door when I saw an all to familiar car in the driveway. Chris. He had the spare key to my house since we were so close my mom didn't mind. She wasn't home at the moment her, my dad, and brother went to this Christmas party because the family that was hosting it was going on vacation somewhere. I was going on a date so I didn't go.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself. I guess we have to this now. I opened the front door and take my shoes off, I then take my jacket off and shake the snow off it. I put it on the rack and make my way to my room. He must be in there.

I opened my room door and saw Chris sitting on my bed. He looked up when he saw me and stood up.

"Hazel I didn't mean to fu-" I cut him off. I didn't want to hear what he had to say at least not yet.

" Chris I didn't know if I told you my location you would fucking follow me. So now I know I can't trust you. Why would you do that? You don't even know him. I understand your just trying to be protective and look out for me, but I know what I'm doing and I know that you know that to." I say to him and he steps closer. He looks so sorry that it's written all over his face.

"Haze I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. Yes I was just looking out for you. Something in me just doesn't trust that dude. I don't like him. I don't know what to say." He tells me. His tall figure is dominate over my short one and all of a sudden he just looks so attractive. I look at the small freckles on his cheek. They are soo cute. I look into his eyes which are beautiful as he looks into my hazel ones. I looked away as much as I didn't want to I did.

"Listen Chris I don't have the strength to yell at you. So I think you shou-" I was cut off by Chris's lips on mine. His strong hands cup my cheeks. I'm so surprised I almost fall and he holds me by my waist to keep me from falling. I close my eyes and let this amazing rush of adrenaline rush through my body.

I always imagined kissing Chris but I didn't think it would be like this. It was so electrifying and different.When we pull away from each other his lips are plump and pink. I was pretty sure mine was the same.

"Uh I'm sorry Hazel." He said. Sorry for what happened earlier or kissing me?

"Chris I don't know what just happened."

"Me either. But I'm going to get going I haven't been home all day so my moms probably gonna be worried." He rushed his words. I knew he was lying because there was times he stayed at my house for a week and didn't go home. So his mom isn't worried but I let him go because I needed to think.

"Okay, see you later." He walks downstairs and I hear the front door close.

Wow I don't know what that was but I think this isn't a crush anymore I think that I might love Chris.

No way.

Please comment and vote I really want to keep this going guys.

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