Chapter 40: Laughter's The Best Medicine..Until You Get Caught

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I stay staring down, moving my feet and trying to draw a heart. "Well you know, my grandma yesterday found a raccoon.." "Okay?" "And she tried to swat it with a broom so that it would leave, but it wouldn't leave." I don't answer anymore, because he's just confusing me. Why are we talking about his grandmother and raccoons? "So she set it on fire, and it wasn't injured. It just walked away, like a little flame." I smile, and let out a laugh. "There's that smile" he says while grinning. "Thanks for c-cheering me up, S-Steven." "Anytime, Katie." We hug, and then Harry walks to the park. He walks over, grabs Steven, picks him up, and pushes him really hard, making Steven fall to the floor. "Don't touch my girl" Harry threatens. Steven quickly stands up, and shoves Harry. "She was crying BECAUSE of you in the first place." Harry walks over to me and begs. "Let me explain." "You have NOTHING to explain, Harry!" Steven yells. "Katie, let me explain." "Fine, you have one minute." I say, while crossing my arms. "I went to the bar, and I started getting some drinks with the bartender. Then, the bartender changed. The new bartender gave me this drink, and it made me automatically drunk and sleepy. I blacked out, and woke up to see these naked blondes all over me, touching me, and caressing me. But I was so numb and weak, that when I tried to push them off, they wouldn't even budge. I fell asleep, and when I woke up, you were at the door yelling my name. I was shocked to see the girls next to me, and to see you." I nod, wiping the tears away from my face. "I believe you, Harry." I whisper. Steven was getting uncomfortable, shifting weight from foot-to-foot. "Steven, what's wrong?" Then, he couldn't take it anymore. "Sounds like Harry's lying.." suggests Steven. Harry looks at Steven with this: "dafuq bra?" face, and then I get suspicious. "Were YOU a part of this, Steven?" I say, arms crossed. "N-No..." he says, shaking his head.  "I don't want to sound mean, but are you sure you don't have anything to do with it, Steven?" Harry reassures, staring intensely at Steven. "I-I have to go to the bathroom.." He bolts for the bathroom. "Katie, take care of my-" "Purse?" I ask, cutting him off. "It's a satchel!" he yells. I shrug, and Harry and I exchange weird looks. He finally makes it to the bathroom. "I still think Steven has something to do with it." Harry comments. "No, Steven wouldn't do that he was comforting me when I was crying." I say, and sigh. "Fine, let me prove it." "You aren't going to prove anything, Harry." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." Harry reaches over, into Steven's man-purse, and grabs his cell-phone. "Harry, you shouldn't do that!" I warn. "What if he's hiding something?" I think for a second.."Search it." I say, voice serious. Harry opens the text app, and reads a text from the name that sounds familiar. He gasps, and makes an interesting statement.

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