Chapter 84: So What Now?

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I sigh as I plop down on the couch. 

"Harry can the boys and my friends have a sleepover?"

"Katie remember what happened last tim-"

"I'll be fine, Harry..."

He sighs as he fixes his hair before letting out a hiccup. 

"Noone else, okay?"

"Yes! Thank you so much!" I exclaim before running over and kissing his cheek, making him blush. I text everyone, and steal Harry's phone to text the boys. 'Sleepover at 9, see you then! x Katie.' I look back and find Harry sound asleep on the couch. 

Wait is he drooling? Gross!

I hide in my laughter as I grab my keys and head to my car. Where to go, Where to go. I sigh before driving to a restauraunt to eat some food, when I spot one of my friends there.


I turn around and find Valerie. 

"Hey.." I sigh out as I look over at her empty table. 

"This seat taken?"

She shakes her head before laughing and letting me sit. I look around and realize where I am. I haven't been here in a few years, so I don't really remember the name. Now, what was it called? T.G..something?

"I just loooooove T.G.I.Fridays! Don't you?"

Oh, so thats what it's called. Valerie is the last person I want to run into, she's always so peppy and happy. She's a redhead with freckles and a HUGE personality. I go into a daydream as my fingers tap on the table before I see a guy-ish figure shadowing upon me. I look up and find the waitor. I didn't order anything because I wasn't hungry or thirsty, I just wanted somewhere to go. This waitor was kind of cute, actually. 

"What's your name?" he asked with a grin.

"K-Katie, what's yours?"

"Brandon, I think Katie's a really pretty name" he says followed by a blush. I smile with a nervous laugh before my friend taps my arm and mouths Harry's name. I shrug her off and continue conversing with the waitor. I grab a napkin, reach for the pen in his shirt pocket and write my number (that he asked for) on the paper. 

"I-I'll text you later, Katie.. Her food will be out soon.."

I nod with a blush before he walks away and I exhale deeply.

"Talk about being awkward," Valerie says in a mocking tone.

"Oh shut up, Valerie" I say with a laugh before she joins in. 

I decide to head to the gym for some rounds, but then instantly become tired and realize the time. 2 hours til the sleepover..

I feel the vibration of my phone while I'm in a daydream, and it startled me so much I fell back from the bench I was sitting on. I sit back up and my hairs all messed up and I got a scratch on my leg. 

"Ow, shit.." I mutter under my breath as I look at the text, 

It's the cute waitor boy!

I smile and read the text out loud to myself. 

"Hi this is Brandon, I think you're really cute, would you like to go out for some food tomorrow?"

"Sure, that'd be-"

"Who you texting?" asks Harry as he walks into the gym.

"Uhhh just a friend, I guess you're a bit more sober, huh?"

He nods in response before looking at me suspiciously.

"What are you hiding from me now.."

"Nothing, I was just texting this guy I met..."

"Hummm okay..."

I start to put away my phone when Harry stops me.

"You excited for the sleepover?" he asks before looking into my eyes as he lightly smiles and rubs my arm.

"D-Definitely, I'm glad you accepted"

He smiles before walking over to the punching bag as I race into the elevator and go downstairs.

I sure hope the sleepover comes faster, this is the longest hour of my life!

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