Chapter 11: Hushed Discussions & Whispered Hopes

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Dialogue is hard *cry* and well yeah it's been almost 6 months since I updated this sorry guys I suck. *lays on floor* go ahead and step on me I deserve it with how long you've been waiting for this really short and very shitty chapter.


Nobody's POV


Blinding light shone in through the open window, as a man cringed and covered his eyes with his arm.  He tried to ease his eyes open slowly before he suddenly remembered what he had been doing before he had passed out. 'M-Miku! Did it work- I-Is she back?!' the man thought. His eyes shot open as he attempted to leap out of the uncomfortable desk chair he had spent the night on. He looked at the monitor and noticed the download was successful. Master looked around hurriedly, trying to spot his precious daughter. 

Seeing a glimpse of long teal hair leading into the other room his eyes widened in pure happiness and joy. He had did it! Miku, his recently lost creation, was back and alive! Master rushed over to the girl and he was shocked at what he saw. Another creation of his, Luka, was laying next to Miku and they were cuddling each other for warmth. 'When did Luka get in here?' Master thought.

A feeling of heavy dread welled up in his mind as he noticed the dried tear tracks on each girl's face and the pained look on Luka's.

'Something isn't right... why would they be like this... unless- NO! No it isn't possible- No it can't be please no!'

Master leaned down to the two and gently shook Luka awake. As the girl blinked and looked around she gasped upon seeing the still-sleeping girl hugging her. Luka's electric blue eyes dimmed as she remembered the previous events. Luka looked up at Master sadly, fresh tears welling up in her eyes.

"It's her Master, it's Miku but she's not-" Luka let out a muffled sob "she's not the Miku we knew. She doesn't know who she is and she doesn't remember any of us." Master knelt down and embraced the crying girl softly, trying very hard not to startle or wake the other girl.

He shifted Luka and started to explain. "I know Luka, it's okay. She is this way because she has been redownloaded, and it's as though she is a new vocaloid now with no prior memories of her past life." At this he looked down towards her and continued, "She may not remember the happy times with us, but she also cannot remember her immense sadness she contained because of us before her suicide. With this she can start over and find true happiness, we won't lose her again."

Luka looked up at the man with teary eyes, "But what if she regains her memories?" MAster looked grim in the low lighting, eyes sunken in and face pale and drawn into a frown. "If she somehow does regain the memories she's lost she might go back to the way she was before she died, if that happens..." He trailed off before shaking himself back into reality, "We will never have Miku back, because every time we redownload her she loses a part of herself. This time it was her memories, next time it might be her voice."

Both turned to peer at the young girl sleeping calmly, "We have to keep her from finding out."

Luka nodded again, before looking at Master with a troubled expression. "Master-"

"Yes?" He looked at her curiously. Luka stared into his eyes, eyes showing the true seriousness of her next question. "What are we going to do when Len finds out about all this, how will we stop him from revealing everything to Miku?"

Master's face dropped into one of worry and slight fear before he uttered one word. "Pray."


What will happen to our teal haired protagonist?

Was Miku really asleep during their whispered conversation?

Why are Master and Luka so worried about Len discovering Miku has amnesia?

What will the others' reactions be when they discover Miku's condition?

Will I ever update this story on a schedule and not end it in a cliffhanger?

Find out next time I regain my willpower to update in "Sad Song Of Misery"!



Seriously though I am sorry this took so long I am garbage I know.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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