Chapter 8: Flashbacks & Forgotten Memories

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Chapter 8: Flashbacks & Forgotten Memories


Len's POV


I woke up with a jolt. Unfortunately the numerous blows to the head did not like that. "OW!" My shriek of pain was heard by Rin as she came rushing into the room. "LEN YOU BAKA WHY'D YOU PICK A FIGHT WITH KAITO?! I SWEAR IF YOU WEREN'T INJURED I WOULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!" I flinched at the loudness and intensity of her words. Geez, thanks for your concern Rin. Now I know not to get hurt or you'll kill me. "Anyway what happened? How did  I get here?" She hesitated to answer. "Rin tell me." Then she blurted out the whole story about what happened while I was unconscious.





Rin's POV


Len had been unconscious for two days by now, and I was dying to know he was ok. I had not once left his room the whole time he was here, much to the worry of my friends. Neru would always worry about me and come in here to check on us both. ((awwww yessss Neru is nice in here because I like nice Neru. c: Sorry for interrupting!)) Ever since we met she has been nothing but nice, except for when she still hung around Haku. Haku is nicer now too but she was a huge bully when I first met her. I think it was after the fight with her younger brother Dell that she calmed down and started behaving polite. Honestly I dont even know. I was in serious need of a shower so I left the room. As I was gone I bumped into Kaito of all people. He had less wounds to the head so he didnt end up like Len did. As I got up to leave he offered a hand to help me up. Maybe he has finally learned his lesson from all this. "So Rin, do you maybe wanna go back to my place with me?" I spoke too soon. "I might be a little injured but we can still have some fun." I must not kill him. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. He reched out slightly and put his hand a little too far down than he should. DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! KILL THE BASTARD FOR SEXUALLY MOLESTING YOU IN THE HALLWAY FROM YOUR INJURED BROTHER! At the thought of my brother i snapped. "YOU SELF-CENTERED, ARROGANT ASSHOLE! DONT YOU MOLEST ME OR I WILL RUN YOU OVER WITH MY ROADROLLER AND BURN YOUR FLATTENED BODY WITH FIRE. DONT MAKE ME DO IT BECAUSE I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW MY ROADROLLER IS IN THE ROOM NEXT DOOR AND SO HELP ME I WILL USE IT." He flinched slightly but didn't remove his hand. He has some serious courage to continue molesting me at that threat. Instead he used his other hand to grab my waist and haul me over his shoulder. "Rin I'm taking you to my room and whether you want to or not we are going to do it, and you are going to like it." He carried me down the empty hallway to his room. IS HE GOING TO RAPE ME?!?! AWWW HELL NAW! Just as he was about to open his door I kicked him in his weakest point. ((whoever guesses where she hit correctly gets a cookie! Come on it's not that hard!)) Then as he stumbled over in pain I stepped on his ribs repeatedly. I didnt stop until I heard the satisfying crack, indicating I broke something. Sweet revenge.... Hehehehehe.... Stupid bastard. I heard a loud shriek come from Len's room. Looks like he's awake now. I'm glad but I still want to pummel his face in for worrying me so much.




Len's POV


I was in shock, then taken over with rage. "HE WHAT? I'LL MURDER HIM! RIN LET GO I HAVE TO KILL HIM!" She still was holding on to me like I was about to fall of a cliff or something. "RIN HE HAS TO PAY, LET GO!" she then tried to calm me down using brute force which, sad to say on my part, worked. I was pushed back against the white sheets of the infirmary bed. My vision darkened and my eyes, against my own will, slowly shut as I drifted back into a dreamless sleep.

((wow looking back at this chapter I see how awful I am at writing anyway sorry again for failing all of you.))

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