Chapter 1: I Thought You Loved Me

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Chapter 1: I Thought You Loved Me


Miku's POV


I'm so happy Kaito asked me out! He is so cute when he smiles and i love the way he la- OH GOD MIKU WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! i mentally facepalmed. Just then i saw Meiko. I went to tell her the good news. But as I approached her I noticed she was 'with' someone. OH GOD ARE THEY MAKING OUT? You try not to pry, but your inner curiousity wins out. You lean in close to see who it is. Suddenly you catch a glimpse of dark blue hair. Kaito? No, it cant be. He is YOUR boyfriend. Not Meiko's. He'd never betray you. Right?


Time skip!

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Hatsune Miku and Aiyuki-Okumura! :D


Miku's POV


Silly mind. Stop playing tricks on me. I thought as I sat in my room, he asked out YOU remember? I smiled as I remembered earlier that day.


"U-Um Miku.."

"Yes K-Kaito.."

"Will you...b-be my g-girlfriend?"

"Oh my gosh Kaito of course!"

Then you hugged him in pure bliss.

End of Flashback~

I sighed heavily. I am so bored. I need something to do! Suddenly I thought of Meiko. Since everyone else was practicing songs for Master and you weren't, why not do something fun with Meiko? I got up quickly and headed to her room. This will be fun! Suddenly your thoughts - no, your WORLD came crashing down. Kaito, YOUR Kaito, was sitting on Meiko's bed and they were KISSING. When I finally found words to speak I said quietly, "How could you?" As they turned around I flung my body out the door. I can't look at them. I just can't do it. I quickly walk away, tears flowing freely from my eyes.

*Author's Note: Sorry. Its a cliffhanger yeah. I really want peeps to read this so please vote! I'll post a new chapter ONLY if i get 2 votes! ♥♡♥ kay see ya later!*

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