Chapter 6: Reactions & Revelations

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Chapter 6: Reactions & Revelations


Len's POV


This is the end. It has to be. If not the end of the world is it a nightmare? My one true love has just been deleted before my very eyes. I need to wake up. Wake up Len, "WAKE UP!" I awoke in a panic as Rin pushed me off my bed. Was it really just a dream? It felt so real. Then I saw the look on her face and realized that it was real. Miku was gone. "Len, Master says he wants to show everybody something today so get ready and ve down here in 5 minutes." I fought back tears as Rin left. Miku, im going to save you. Somehow I will get you back. and when I do I will finally admit my true feelings to you. I went to breakfast with the others and sat at the table. I wonder why he wanted us all here... Just then Master walked in carrying a single tape labeled, 'H. Miku Recordings'. I waited anxiously as he prepared to announce the news.


Nobody's POV


Master cleared his throat before starting. "As you all know recently Hatsune Miku was deleted after she attempted suicide for an unknown cause. I Havre gathered together a set of tapes that filled and recorded the events leading up to her demise. Without further patience let us begin." The lights went off as the tapes began to play.


(*Sorry im lazy so I dont wanna write what happened in detail, this ia a summary of the tapes.*)


Tape #1: Confrontation

This tape was when Kaito confronted Miku in the hallway.

Tape #2: Rolling Girl

This tape was a recording of Miku when she was singing Rolling Girl and Len and Rin's attempts to save her.

Tape #3: Depression

This tape was a bunch of scenes in one. It started with Miku and her discovery of Kaito and Meiko. Then it cut to the last scene where she was in her room crying and screaming. The last scene was the longest and everyone watched in horror as they saw their friend Miku curse at herself and cry. Everyone was crying. (except for Kaito because he is a two-faced bastard! A.N. this bitch... =.= ) Len was the most shocked at the fact that Miku would ever say such things about herself. Rin had her hands over her face as Miku's words flashed through her mind. "Forgive me Rin, this is too much for me." Why Miku? Why couldnt I save you? I promised you I would protect you, did I fail you? Forgive me Miku. Im so sorry I couldnt protect you. Im so sorry. The Kagamine twins had been thinking the same thought. Meiko was in a state of anger. No, she wasnt mad at Miku. She was angry at Kaito for hurting Miku and most of all she was mad at herself for betraying Miku like that. Did I really think everything would turn out fine in the end? I wish I had never hurt you... Please dont hate me Miku... As Meiko lay in turmoil a certain blue-haired teen got up and left the room smugly. (* We all know who the fuck you are Kaito.... We shall hunt you down and feast on your flesh... ok maybe not that last part but we will hunt you down!*) Then Master found another tape in his bag. "Everyone this is one last tape. It is the final one ok. This took place during the week after Tape #3 when Miku first discovered KaiMei." (*What? I was too lazy to write about the whole Meiko and Kaito thing... XP so what?!*)


Tape #4: Scatter My Feelings

This tape was of Miku in her free time as she sang in her room with Rin. (* Ok so remember how Miku said 'This is the first time ive been alone in the past week' ? Well that is because Rin would sleep in Miku's room with her so she didnt feel alone and scared.*) The songs were both labeled. The first was called Hirari Hirari and the second was Tawagoto Speaker. After each song Miku would cry and Rin would comfort her.

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