Chapter 3: Is This All There Is

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Chapter 3: Is This All There Is


Miku's POV


It has been a week since then. I haven't told Kaito that I know he's cheating yet. I guess I'm just too afraid of what he might do. Ever since Len promised he'd protect me I've followed him everywhere. Luka says I look like a little duckling! And since then I have cheered up a lot. But when Kaito tries to talk to me I cling to Len and he walks away with me. But I just cant shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen very soon..... Len had just left to practice a new song with Rin, so for the first time in a week, I was alone. I walked down the hallways to the studio to practice my song "World is Mine". Master says I have to sing it for him in a week, so I want it to be perfect. Then I bumped smack into someone. "E-eh... sorry. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going." I looked up to see the one person I wanted to avoid most...... Kaito. I got up quickly. I avoided looking him in the eyes as I tried to run away. Then he roughly grabbed my arm, preventing me from escaping. "K-Kaito stop. Let me go!" "No, look at me and tell me why you are avoiding me." I looked up in shock. Oh no why that. Anything but that, I cant tell him that! "Kaito I-" I was cut off as he pinned me against the wall. *GASP* "Kaito stop it! Let me go!" "NO. TELL ME WHY!" I cringed in fear as he leaned in close to my ear. But what shocked me the most where the words he spoke next. "Oh, are you afraid now that your little boyfriend is gone now? You slut." I looked up at him in alarm. "What did you just say?" "You heard me, I know all about your little fling. How could you cheat on me with that shota?!" "What are you talking about? Len isn't my boyfriend. And we don't have a 'fling', he just happens to be a good friend. at least HE ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT ME, UNLIKE SOME CHEATING BASTARDS!" At this point I was screaming the words at him. He seemed shocked, like he never thought I'd say something like that. "What are you talking about?" When he said that I was filled with anger. "I KNOW OK. YOU DONT HAVE TO PRETEND ANYMORE! I SAW YOU WITH MEIKO!' I was practically sobbing at the end.


Kaito's POV


I stood there, shocked at what she said. She, she saw us together? But how? I stood there still, completely dumbfounded as to how she found out. Then she walked up to me, I could see the pain and sadness in her eyes. "How could you trample my feelings like that?" Too bad I didn't give a shit about you or your feelings. I smirked. "Easily, I never cared about you or your stupid feelings. Honestly I don't know how anyone puts up with you. You are so weak and pathetic. You cant even sing right. Everyone hates you and they all just want you to disappear. Even Master could care less. The only reason they haven't said anything yet is because they don't want Master to get mad at them. He'd hate to have his hard work ruined that easily." She started crying loudly, and then she backed away from me. Wow, this is more fun than I thought! "Maybe I should roll again today." What? Roll? She is insane what does that even mean?! Before I could say anything else she ran away. Good riddance, bitch.

(*More to come soon!*)

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