Such a supportive mom.

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Later that evening my dad went out again. Leaving me in the house with my siblings and mother. It was time for me to tell her. How though? Should I just go right to her and say "mom, I'm gay," or do I just lead her on to it? Than it hit me. I know exactly what to do.

I walked up the stairs and into my mothers room. My palms sweaty, my heart beat extremely fast, my body temperature rising. This is all weird. What would my mother say? How would she take it? I guess I'll just have to find out.

"Mom," I said weakly, my voice sorta hushed. "Can I talk to you?"

"Yes honey, you know you can tell me anything. What's up?"

"Okay mom, I don't know whether you'll be cool.or come out of a bag on me but I have to tell you and you can't tell dad."

"Angel," she said putting her left earring in. She was dressed up, maybe she and dad were going out tonight. "Now you know unless it involves one of you and trouble, I won't tell your father."

"Mom, I'm gay," I blurted out almost a little to loud.

My mother just looked at me,her eyes slowly watering. She looked as if she would break down.

"Escuse me," she snapped.

Should I repeat myself? What if she swings to hit me?

"Mom, I'm gay," I tried my luc again, my voice wobbling. "Please, don't be mad."

My mom stood up from her bed and slowly walked closer to me. I put my arms in front of my face, bracing myself for impact. But what my mother did next just surprised the hell out of me. She hugged me. She actually hugged me.

"Mom," I said puzzled.

"Mijo, i'm happy for you," she said cradling my head in my hand. "Siéntate," she continued ushering to sit on the bed. "Now tell me, what brought this own?"

I looked at my mom. She was taking this very well. Maybe she wasn't as strict and cruel as my father.

I looked at my mom , her eyes still tearing up.

"Brock, mom," I said. "Brock is my boyfriend."

Her watering eyes were now over flooding. The tears just falling down. She put my hand in hers and stared intently in my eyes.

"Tell me, tell me, how did you and Brock get so close?"

That story wasn't that hard to tell. It was actually the getting the whole story together part which was difficult. And now I bet you're probably wondering what did happen. Well this is how it went down. I'm going to make a long story short. Brocks twin sister and I had been dating for about 2 years. We were so in love, well Atleast I was in love with her. We shared so much together. We were each others first kiss, and each others first love. But that all changed in one salient day.

We had planned on going to the carnival later on that day. It was only in town for a week and that just so happened to be the last day. So naturally I went over to her and Brock's house pretty early, to hang out until it was time to go. When I got there Brock's mom opened the door.

"Go right on up," she said. "Liza is up there with her friend."

I didn't too much give thought to her mention of Liza's friend so I just went on up. As I began to knock on her room door, it was as if some invisible force told me to just walk in, so I did.

My heart dropped and crashed into a million pieces as my eyes continued to watch them. My girlfriend and my bestfriend Ronald. He was against the wall with his pants were down, his eyes closed, and his head layer back. Liza was on her knees with her head bobbing back and forth. She was fucking blowing him! My girlfriend was blowing my bestfriend. I couldn't move. My body was frozen and my eyes were glued to them.

Brock came behind me wrapping me in his arms. Apparently he seen what I was seeing, and knew how I was feeling.

"Liza, I swear to God I'm telling mom," he said. Liza jumped up wiping her mouth. Ronald's face grew red. His face went from normal to tomato red as he looked at me. He hurriedly tried top ill his pants up as he started running out of the room.

I tried so hard not to cry, but my heart was so hurt. I cried still embraced in Bricks arms. From there Brock and I became closer, and closer, and closer. Then we became very close.

And that's how it happened. My heart healed over time thanks to Brock and it fell for him.

I told my mom this story and her small tears became crocodile tears.

"This is all my fault," she cried. "if I had been there for you, then you would've have the love and compassion-"

"Mom," I cut her off. "it's not your fault. My heart lead for something so I followed it. Isn't that what you've always told me? To follow my hear?"

My mother smiled. She had such a beautiful smile. It was just so sweet and innocent.

"Yes mijo. That is exactly what I told you," she said pulling me into another hug. "Can I ask you a question though," she said pulling away and looking into my eyes again. I nodded.

"Have you and Brock.... You know"

"MOM," I gasped. "That's embarrassing! No! No, we have not."

"Thank goodness," she said. "Well son, I love you no matter what and you can talk to me about anything. Just when you and Brock do get ready to have sex let me know and I will personally buy condoms for you."

I hugged my mom, even tho the condom part was a little weird, but she was my mom and she did love me. I don't know what I would do without her.

Now I had got her out of the way it was my dads turn. I don't know how I was going to tell him either, but i wanted to do it with a bang. I know he's going to flip and frankly, I really don't give a damn. I was going to show him that everything he is doing is messed up. And I wanted to show him that love can come in any form. No matter skin color, race, or gender. He had to learn that and I was going to show him. Even if it meant getting grounded for the rest of my life. I didn't care.

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