A big bang

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I decided how to tell my dad. As I said before I want to go out with a bang. Whether he likes it or not he was going to see it. He was going to see his son, and his boyfriend, together.

A few days after telling my mom I decided, (with the help of Esme), to tell the rest of my siblings. I thought at least Drake would be mad, but he was actually as calm as everyone else were. I also found out that Esme and I weren't the only ones rebelling against my father. they all wanted a piece of the action as well. So the whole plan was actually their idea.

It was Thursday, and Brock didn't have wrestling practice so naturally he was at my house after school. It had sorta of become a thing between us, on Thursdays when he didn't have wrestling practice and on Tuesdays when I didn't have band practice we would be at my house, just hanging out in my room. Of course most of our hang-outs turned into make-outs but hey, it iis what it is.

Brock was on his normal spot of my bed, laying down right next to me. His arm era bed around my waiste and his eyes locked onto mine. Now was time for the first step to Drake, Nevaeh, Esme, my mom, and I'd plan; getting Brock to come over for dinner.

"Hey babe, can I ask you something," I said, his eyes still locked to mine.

"Yes, anything sweety. What is it?"

"My family and I was wondering if you would like to come for dinner tomorrow night." I said now playing with his fingers.

"I would love to baby boy, but my parents are going out to dinner and I lost my key, I won't have a way back in," he whimpered.

Damnit! That was putting a whole damper on things. I needed to find a way to get him to come.

"What if you spent the night," I suggested.

Brock let go of my hand and raised up on his elbows. "Are you sure about that," he said. "I don't really feel comfortable spending the night the same house as your dad."

Come on Angel. Think! Damnit, I guess I would have to tell Brock our plan for tomorrow evening.

"That's why we want you to come," I said under my breath.


Brock was ever so confused. I guess that was my fault. To unconfuse him i spilled the beans. Giving him detail to detail of how we wanted the night to go. Surprisingly, he agreed. "it's time to put a stop to your father," he said.

So everything was going good so far. We had Brock, we had the rest of the family, and we had a plan. We were set to put our plan into action.

The rest of the hang-out between Brock and I went smoothly. We talked, and made out. Slept a few minutes, made out. Watched tv, made out. We were going strong. I so loved Brock, but sometimes I just think he's only with me to keep me lip locked 24/7. That's why I haven't had sex with him yet. I wanted to make sure he was here for me, and not my body. I mean, is body was perfection, and I was shit compared to him.

"Brock," I said. "What do you see in me?"

The current position me and Brock were in was he laying down on the bed and I sitting on top of him. His groin under me.

"Where did that come from," he asked seeming a little hurt.

I took his hand from my waiste and started playing with his fingers. "Nowhere. I just feel like your trying to get something from me and once you get what your after, you're going to leave."

Brock eyes had a shining in them, but not a happy shine. It was more like he was about to cry. It was pain.

His hand pulled away from mine and reached up towards my face. I flinched involuntarily. I don't know why. "Don't ever think that," he said carressing my cheek. "I wouldn't dream of leaving you. You are my world, my stars, my sun, and my moon. Without you, I am nothing."

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