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"ESME," I shouted at the top of my lungs, shaking her body fiercfully. "Esme, come on babygirl. Wake up." At this moment nothing that was going on around me was relevant. Reality had just checked out for me. 

My sister was in my arms and bleeding from her head. He hit her hard but, not hard enough to cut her with his strike. I cried and rocked her body too me, tears raining fro my eyes as I spoke to her in a soothing calming tone. "Come on Esme. Wake up for me baby."

I looked up to see my family stare at me in awe. They couldn't move. They were still, it seemed they were a picture. A very fucked up picture, but a picture. So quiet and motionless. "DON'T JUST FUCKING STAND THERE YOU IDIOTS! SOMEBODY CALL 911!," I shouted to them. They were stil empty and more checked out then I was, so I screamed louder.

"PLEASE, CALL 911 NOW! SHE'S NOT MOVING!" Brock shuffled next to me and tried to hold me in his arms. Usually this ould have calmed me down, but now it just pissed me off. "Get off of me.  I don't want to be held I want one of you fucktards to call an ambulance."

Brock's face singed from the hurt. I didn't mean it but here I am holding my sisters body and he's trying to hold me. Brock then jumped up and grabbed the house phone from the coffe table. I didn't hear what he said, because by then my attention was back to Esme.

My baby sister. My bestfriend. She can't be dead! She just can't be. She is my bestfriend. One of the only people in my life that I can talk to about anything. 

My family came over to me and tried to check on her, but I didn't let anyone touch her. I won't let anyone touch her.

Within minutes there was a loud siren and a heavy knock on my front door. "Paramedics," they called into the door. Nevaeh ran to open it. Three big sexy guys in uniform came in. A black guy, a white guy, and a mexican guy. They went over to where Esme and I were and the black guy checked her for a pulse or any other signs of life.

"Slow pulse," he said. "We ned  to get her to the hospital fast."

The other two paramedics nodded and ran out of he door for whatever reason. I guess to get the stretcher. But they weren't taking her from my arms. Not now, or never. I needed to be by her side at all times.

"Can you tell me what happened here son," the paramedic said.

Everyone's eyes went to my father. We knew who did it and I was going to tell the truth. I wasn't going to cover for him. "Him," I said nodding to my father. "He took something too far and lashed at my sister. Now I hope he rots in hell!"

"Are you the father," the paramedic asked my dad.

"Does it matter nigger," my father snapped. "This is my house and I will not be questioned in it,"

At his words, the paramedic stood up, nose to nose with my father. "You wanna run that by me again," he said scowled into my fathers face.

Before my father could respond the other two men came in with the stretcher. The three of them rshed over and pried her motionless body from my arms and sat her on the steel board. I didn't want to let her go but every sight of her was making me weaker and weaker and I could barely even lift my arms to hold her down to me.

"No," I shouted with whatever strength was left, "Don't take her away from me." Brock came back over to me and wrapped me in his arms again to comfort me. Once again, I pushed him away. He wasn't going to let me go I could tell, because each tie I pushed him off he would wrap around me even tighter. So tight I couldn't push him away anymore.

I watched as the paramedics took Esme away and into the back of the ambulance. The hole time they were mumbling medical junk that I didn't understand at each other, until finally the mexican guy came back to us and told us what was going on. I din't want to hear anything. I just wanted them to make her better. Even if I had to ake my own life to save hers. 

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