You're Next

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Brock turned around frightened and was trying his best to move the both of us away from him. I didn't feel so threatened. I didn't even turn to face him. All of my emotions were gone and screwed. I didn't care what happened anymore. Someone in this room is not walking out of here alive. Whether it be him or me. I really don't give a damn.

"My mother... My brother. Gone" I said, still facing away from him. "Why'd you do it?"

"Oh shut up," he snapped. "You know exactly what this is... Because of you and your wicked sinning my family could not live a happy life anymore-"

"This wasn't a happy family in the first place," I said finally turning around.

I don't know how it's possible, but he seemed... Smaller. It looked as if he had become shorter over the past few weeks. He stood there in some very cliché hitman killer clothes. Black fingerless gloves, long black leather trench coat, and some midnight black shoes. Just by looking at him I could tell that he'd been drinking. ALOT.

"YES IT WAS FAGGOT," he screamed. I could see the evil, insane look in his eyes. "And because of you it's gone."

I watched his every movement as he began to slowly walked closer to me. The psychotic look in his eyes was now an psychopathic grin on his lips.

"You see," he smiled. "I simply put them from their misery quickly so they wouldn't suffer your obscenities anymore."

He was now waving a knife in the air, clearly showing the murder weapon. Why couldn't I hear this while I was in the room? My walls are thin so I would've heard some kind of struggle going on... Aerosmith. The music was up pretty loud. That's probably why I couldn't hear anything.

"Now you," he continued. "I'm going to make the two of you suffer."

"Is that so," I asked nonchalantly.

"That is very well so," he spat back, venoming his words. "My family couldn't live happy together, but they will die together."

The next moment was a rush in my head. I watched as his hand went into his inside coat pocket and very swiftly, before I could fully see the gun. I heard a shot.

Blood spewed all over the place. The gun was aimed at me. I know so why don't I feel anything.

I looked down and again my insides crumbled. Brock laid there on the ground. A river of blood flowing from his chest. He did it! He jumped in front of that bullet for me. He literally meant what he said. "I would take a bullet for you if I have too."

I watched his body shake violently as I grew with blind rage. Before he could even put his finger on the trigger again I speared his body to the ground. I didn't feel anything from the millions of punches I threw at his face, arms, chest, neck, and body. More blood was shed and spewed as each punch was thrown. Teeth were coming from his gums, and bones were coming from his nose.

I could hear the bones cracking the more I punched and kicked. I couldn't feel anything so I wasn't sure if they were my bones or his. I stood above his motionless body on the ground. I didn't kill him but I so wanted to. And I was going to do it.

I raised my foot high above his body, and with each passing thought I became more and more angered. And as each person that I couldn't be with anymore I stomped my foot into his chest.

ESME... *stomp*

MY MOTHER.... *stomp*

DRAKE... *stomp*

BROCK... *stomp*

NEVAEH... *stom-

"Angel," I heard Brock call my voice weakly. I stopped my leg in mid-stomp and I jumped across the room to him.

"Ye... Yes Brock," I stuttered. I picked up his head and placed it on my lap, and I grabbed his hand in mine.

"It's over," he whispered. "He's gone... He can't hurt you anymore."

I said nothing as the tears ran from my eyes. I could feel Brock's body losing heat and growing weaker by the second.

"I'm dying Angel."

"No... Please Brock! I don't want to live without you," I cried.

"You... Have... To Angel. You... Have to live for us all."

"I can't Brock. I'm not that strong."

"Yes you are Ang. You're stronger than I'll ever be."

"No Brock-"

"Promise me that you won't try anything again," he whispered.

"Brock, I-"

"Promise me Angel," he shot at me.

Brock was right. I can't kill myself. No matter how much it hurts. No matter how alone I'll be. I have to live for them all. Esme. My mother. Drake. Nevaeh. Brock. I have to live for them all.

"I promise," I cried into his chest. " I promise."

"Angel. I love... You..."

And with his final words. Brock was gone from me. I stayed at his chest and cried. Pushing the world around me out of existence.

I have to live. I have to live for them all.


"NOOOOO," I heard a girlish voice scream. Then there was a shot fired. Then another, and another. Giving three in total.

I turned around on my legs swiftly to see what was going on. A lump formed in my throat as I watch my father, with three clear bullet holes in his body fall to his knees, the knife falling from his hand.

His body fell and behind him stood my sister with the gun still in hand in an upmost glorious glow. Though her hair was everywhere and her face was puffy and bruised and her body was hunched. She looked like the most beautiful girl in the world. She was my angel.

I grabbed her body before she fell completely over. I threw her arm across my shoulders and we walked side by side out the door. We didn't know where we were going, but we just went. Where do we go?


Hope you guys like it!!!!!!


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