Chapter 3 - Fireworks

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Words hurt more than anything else can, because they last, sometimes forever. - Anonymous

Chapter 3 - Fireworks

The last few days have been full of fun, fishing, and friends. Joel hasn't left my side, and Edward has kept his distance. Actually, he has been rather pleasant to be around, but I know it's only a matter of time before he becomes a jerk again.

As we pack our bags for a day at my grandparent's house on the lake, there is a scurry of activity. I pack up a few side dishes for lunch. Holden and Mason hitch up the jet ski trailer to the suburban, while Helen and Chandler go in search of the extra life jackets. I have no idea where the rest of the guys ended up, but they know we plan to be on the road in less than 30 minutes.

Holden asks me to help him launch the two jet skis when we get to the marina near my grandparent's house. I shuck off my clothes revealing my swimsuit underneath, something I wouldn't and couldn't do just a few months ago, and grab a life jacket.

Edward's face looks furious and he asks, "Do you think you should wear a swimsuit like that?" I glare at him...what an ass.

All of my childhood insecurities come to the surface in a split second, before I square my shoulders and dig in. "I don't know. Let me see."

I do something that is totally out of my character, now, and I move around so I am full view of everyone. "Joel, do you think I should wear a swimsuit like this?" I stand with one hand above my head, and the other past my waist, giving him an opportunity to take in the full view.

I am not model thin...not even close, I'm curvy...very curvy, but I have a small waist and I am proportioned nicely. My new bikini fits me perfectly, and the tones of peach and coral flatter my skin color. It covers all major area without looking dowdy or overly sexy, and that is very difficult to find. This is the first time in months I'm not hiding. I'm going to be with family, and family is safe.

"Oh, god yes, and stand by me all day doing it." I smile at him and blow him a flirty kiss, and then I look back at Edward. "I guess I should wear a swimsuit like this. Thanks for asking."

I walk away from Edward, and help get the jet skis in the water. I take Joel with me, or should I say, I am designated to the back and Joel takes me with him. Holden has Helen on board, and after a friendly race to my grandparent's dock, we arrive in their backyard. There are a few boats tied on nearby and a pontoon tethered to the dock, waiting for everyone to load up.

"Hi, Papa," I say as I make it to the backyard, pulling on a thigh length tunic to cover up.

"How's my favorite granddaughter?" I am the only granddaughter, that's why it's so easy to be the favorite.

"I'm fine." I give him a quick hug, and he greets Joel. By the time we reach the house, Mason and Edward are helping pack up the coolers. We all help my Nana and Mom carry things to the awaiting boats.

Joel and I ride with my Papa on the barge, and as we approach my Uncle CJ's pontoon in the middle of the bay, we kill the engine and throw out a custom gangplank to attach the two vessels together. Now we can freely walk between the two pontoons as party central.

This is my first July 4th celebration with family in four years. Last year, I came home for a month but it rained, so it was cancelled. The years before I was taking summer classes in Boston and missed the party. Looking at the amount of the boats and jet skis, it seems like my (extended) family is out in full force. All of my Papa's brothers are here with some of their kids and grandkids. In all we have two pontoons, ten ski boats, and fifteen jet skis. It reminds me of the Craig Morgan's Redneck Yacht Club video with just not as many girls.

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