It was that time of the year, the 3rd of March 2133. My birthday.
The usually silent house had turned into a place full of different people that had something to do with my birthday party.
Stephen was high, trying to cope with the stress and Mr. James was calmly watching it all happen.
Just before the big bunch of guests started arriving, Stephen took me to his room. He closed the door behind him and said, "It is time to give you your birthday gift."
"You should not have gotten me anything. You are throwing me a party!"
He opened his closet and took out a bag. It was a bag for females, the ones I would see in the magazines on this side of the fence.
Stephen handed it over to me. "Open it." I did.
And when I saw what was inside, I dropped it to the floor, causing half of the content to fall out.
"I can't accept it," I tried to sound convincing.
"You will. I know how hard you have it on the other side. Take the money. It is not even that much in my opinion," Stephen said. "Just do not tell anyone about this. I think it is illegal, right? You only get money from the agency, that was what I heard."
That was absolutely true. We only got a few crumbs from the agency.
"I can keep it here."
"Why?" I asked curiously.
"My father has cameras in your room. He might want to see what is in that bag," Stephen told me. "That is why we do everything in my room. My father loves to spy on 'orders'."
A little while later the party started. Stephen's guests arrived. They were too many to greet them all personally. We sat with a few of Stephen's so called friends. One of them had his girlfriend along, and surprisingly, a girl from the agency. She looked as inexperienced as I was, but she was more pregnant than me. I guessed the seventh month.
I whispered to Stephen, "Isn't it forbidden to have me near other girls from the agency?"
Stephen was already drunk, and did not really care about any rules. "I have no f.ucking clue, baby mama!"
The pregnant girl told the girlfriend something. The girlfriend was not so understanding, "Ew, Josh! She just asked me if she could go to the toilet. I do not want to know that"
"You need to go with her. Watch over her," Josh said. He was another rich boy, looking meaner than Stephen.
"I do not f.ucking care, Josh! You should go with her. You will probably f.uck her in the toilet as well!" The alcohol was speaking. I hated to see that happening. It was upsetting me.
Then Josh whispered something in his girlfriend's ear and she eagerly left with the pregnant girl.
One of the other men asked, "What did you say to her, Josh?"
"I told her to s.uck it, or she would go back to mommy and daddy without a rich husband!" They all collectively laughed. Stephen did not really participate, but I felt sick nonetheless.
"I want to go lay down," I told him. "Thank you for everything. I will see you tomorrow. This is your party after all."
Stephen did not force me to stay, so I left.
Once I arrived in my room, I fully thanked god for sending me to the James family. I was glad that I was not being treated like that other woman. I felt pity for her. She was just pregnant, there were things that went along with pregnancy and that couple was just so awful to her.
The door of my room opened and it was Mr. James. What a surprise.
He said in a low tone, "I still have a gift to give you."

FanfictionWelcome to the agency. :There are three short stories in 2133. Stella & Mr. James and the one with Pearl & Mr. Tomlinson are both finished. I just started a new one with Selena & Mr. Bentley: - a future in which weak women live on the other side of...