Ultimately, Mr. James bought me from the agency. He says that after I went down on him - and did not finish the job - he desired more from me.
I live with his family now. I will never see my mother again, it is not like I can. She is dead.
Since Stephen did not get his baby and wife, he continues to live underneath the same roof with Mr. James. He is still bitter. More bitter than ever.
I think Mr. James is threatening him. I do not know about what, but something is going on.
After the chaotic end of my pregnancy, and the revelations that followed, everything has changed.
I may have said goodbye to one oppressor, however I have let a new one enter my life. He did not simply enter my life, he bashed through the walls of my existence.
Mr. James felt betrayed after I told him about Stephen and me. He had just taken my v.irginity, and he still chose to believe I loved Stephen. So he sent his order back, only to completely buy me from the agency three days later.
The three days in the agency were hell. I was being questioned about everything. Maybe I had gotten spoilt, but I felt very uneasy on the other side of the fence. I was waiting for someone to come and save me, but both of my parents were dead and I could not run for help to anyone.
Everything I owned was transported into my room at the James house. It all fit because my room there was almost as big as my entire 'house' on the other side of the fence.
I should have loved it. I should have celebrated it.
But the moment I saw Stephen's face I knew something was wrong and that he would not be able to help me.
Mr. James' true self had been revealed. I had loved the man I knew during my first six months with him, but that man was gone. The man who had donated money to the agency in hopes that his friend's family could live a better life was gone.
Maybe that other side had always been inside of him and I was just too blind to see it. Perhaps that part co-existed inside of him like the agency co-exists with this city. You only get to see it when you order something from it.
I did not order it voluntarily.
Mr. James once said to me, "I want to f.uck you till you forget where you are from. When you c.ome for me, it will mark the moment the agency will not own you anymore."
Now he owned me.
Mr. James was the only man that had ever entered me. He was the first and the way things looked, he would be the last as well.
The first night back in the James house, he came into my bed and t.ook me.
There has rarely been a day where he does not take me. He comes to me during the day, and throughout the night.
Mr. James has also implanted some sort of protection into my body, so that I do not get pregnant. I am an expert on how to become pregnant, not on how to prevent it. Mr. James says that he does not want anything in his way when he 'f.ucks' me. In his eyes I am still young and the babies can wait for another ten years, or so.
Apparently, he does not care whether his son can hear us.
Although, wait a minute, Mr. James shuts my mouth while he takes me. He g.ags me with toys and other things. Not that I would moan because I enjoy it.
Or would I?
That leaves only the sound of Mr. James pleasure.When Mr. James decides that I mispleased him, he just starts hurting me physically. Sometimes while he f.ucks me and other times just to demonstrate power over me. I hate it.
By the time I start bleeding from the wounds, pain and humiliation, I go to Stephen.
He is just as trapped as I am. Stephen takes care of me, and soothes me while I cry for a man I love in a sick way. It goes both ways for Mr. James and me.
Once in my life I thought that the James house would only be a temporary situation and I dreaded that idea because they treated me so nicely.
I can only say be careful what you wish for.
I may have escaped Mistress Raser's murderous orders and demands, but now I have a new person to die for.
Mr. James.
-it's over y'all and it's a bad ending, but that depends on how you see it.-
FanfictionWelcome to the agency. :There are three short stories in 2133. Stella & Mr. James and the one with Pearl & Mr. Tomlinson are both finished. I just started a new one with Selena & Mr. Bentley: - a future in which weak women live on the other side of...