My stomach was aching. I had done this four times before, yet I was still nervous.
Mistress Raser loved me. She called me 'Velvet Love'.
They were taking me down to her massive office. That was a place only the very bad and the very good got to see.
I was considered very good.
I was very good.
By the time I had to leave the families I served, they had to deal with various new situations. They had a new baby and they had a funeral to prepare.
None of the deaths could be connected to me because I was that good.
I was part of an undercover movement that took matters into their own hands. The families always got what they ordered, but I added a little poisonous gift.
"Welcome, Velvet Love!" Mistress Raser stood up and greeted me respectfully. Her office had not changed in the one and a half years that I was gone.
I was prepared for whatever she wanted me to do. She could ask for triplets and I would deliver. In the back of my head, I would still murder my buyer.
I would always find a way. Rich people were always dumb.
"Mistress Raser, you look as good as ever," I told her with a big smile. She thanked me for the compliment.
"You have had your four month break, Velvet Love. Now we have found your new catch!" she exclaimed. God. Mistress Raser was overly excited about what she was going to reveal to me.
"Tell me, Mistress Raser. I can't wait," I said.
"He is one of the most important men in our city," she began. I had heard that before. "I know. I know. We always say that to people with money."
You heard right. Mistress Raser liked me so much that she even made jokes around me.
"But Colt Lewis is different. He comes from a great family and he has inherited all the money and the properties." Oh, that would be so easy. I was already building plans in my head. "Colt is not a businessman. He is a top notch cop."
A cop? They were going to send me to a cop? Shit.
Mistress Raser's face changed from excitement to concern. "I need you to understand that you are one of our top girls. You do as said and you ask no questions. You are perfectly trustworthy, that is why we always treat you in a special way."
What was she going to say now?
"Colt Lewis has instructed us to do the normal procedure. He also has special wishes considering his order," Mistress Raser revealed. No. No. No. I can't go through the normal procedure. I want to be conscious when I exit this hell and enter the new one. The last time they drugged me, I kept throwing up for days after the drugs had left my system. The family almost sent me back.
"Can't you do anything, Mr. Raser?" I asked her with big eyes.
She shook her head. "I am sorry, Velvet Love. He has requested you specifically and he wants the normal procedure. There is nothing that I can do. But you will make us proud, I am sure."
"Does he have a family?" I asked.
"He lives alone. All his ancestors are dead. One thing I know is that he has a twin brother. They have a lot of differences, they do not get along that well, so you will not see him that often," Mistress Raser explained. She looked at her watch. That was a bad sign.
"Can't I at least grab my things?" I asked her. I had not gone through all the previous shit families to get treated like this. I was high-priced for a reason.
She shook her head. "No. I am afraid you have to leave right now, Velvet Love."
With that sentence everything went black. I felt something stinging on the right side of my neck. They had injected it inside of me already.
I would have to find a new plan.

FanficWelcome to the agency. :There are three short stories in 2133. Stella & Mr. James and the one with Pearl & Mr. Tomlinson are both finished. I just started a new one with Selena & Mr. Bentley: - a future in which weak women live on the other side of...