-We have reached 1k views on this story. Thank you. I hope you enjoy reading along. 2133 is a very special universe to me ❤️
WARNING: Later in the chapter she will have another bad dream, ignore the italics if you don't want to read it-
"What did they do to you?" Mr. Bentley asked me. I could not fall asleep again after my dream, so we stayed up. He was lying next to me and we both stared at the ceiling.
"You do not have to ask, you already know what they do to us. I am sure the women you have had here before me told you their stories," I replied.
"Not all of them go through that."
I laughed dryly. "Right and I still believe in Father Christmas."
Mr. Bentley remained silent for a while.
"You do not have anything to say, huh?" I said. He did not react.
"You live your life, everybody lives their lives in the city. They see us walking by and they do not even give us a second glance. Nobody cares about us, the orders. We are not humans to the people who buy us. We are products.
They think they can use us and do anything they want to us. We are just another machine that provides them with babies. It is disgusting. We give birth to babies that will soon develop into monsters, just like the rest of their family.
It does not matter what kind of genes they design it to have.""Selena..."
"That is the most you have said ever since you arrived here," Mr. Bentley said. "I am glad you are speaking your mind."
"I am not allowed to do it in the agency, or the families. So if I can do it here, and I do not get punished for simply speaking my mind, I will gladly continue expressing myself," I told him. I bit my lip. "I am not getting punished, aren't I?"
He shook his head. "No. Selena, you just had a nightmare. You seemed completely devastated. Besides, I do not like punishments."
"What is your method of discipline then, Mr. Bentley?" I asked Mr. Bentley.
"What is that shit you are talking about?" he asked me.
"Discipline. You know. The agency..."
"F.uck the agency. They teach you shit. Sorry for the language," he uttered. "I like rewarding someone. I believe in emphasising the good sides of a person, not the bad ones."
Mr. Bentley had a dirty mouth from time to time. It made me forget that he was older than me. His looks accented youth. Sometimes it felt like he was just three years older than me, in college, studying and partying.
Well, of course I had no clue how college went down. I only knew how the boys of the families...
Mr. Bentley was nothing like the boys of the families. He was kinder than them. Whatever he had planned for me was ten times better than what they had done to me.
I was absolutely sure.
My nightmares continued. I dreamt of almost every single time one of them took me. Six people had done it, but they had all done it multiple times.
I was on my way to my room when the son's friend grabbed me. "Where are you going, Selena? I had explicitly told you to meet me and my friend in my room today."
"I forgot," I lied.
"You are a lying little wh.ore. Did you do everything I asked you to?"
"No?" I wanted to forget what he had asked me to do. It was disgusting. He wanted me to shave my intimate parts, so that he could have better access. I could throw up.
"Well, then you have to do that now. Do you want me to watch you, or are you going to get it done on your own? You have fifteen minites, Selena. You are lucky my friend is running late," he told me with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.
I did it and went straight to his room. His friend had just arrived. He was probably going to film it again.
"Are you ready, mate?"
"Of course I am. I always am."
They turned on the camera. It was placed on a stand right next to the bed. That surprised me. There would be no close-ups today, I guessed.
The son spoke into the camera, "Welcome to another episode of Selena Sex. Today we present to you Selena's first double penetration!"
I woke up screaming. Mr. Bentley rushed to my side to hold me. I was panting, my cheeks were red and eyes were blurry. Just remembering that day was awful, it hurt so much. I had never experienced so much pain in my life.
"Relax. Everything is okay. You are not there anymore. You are here with me."
I stayed in Mr. Bentley's arms, sobbing, but also savouring the fact that I was with him. If he had not taken me, I would have been given to a new family by now.
Mr. Bentley saved me from my terrifying future. I was forever grateful.
"Please, don't you ever dare let me go... I am begging you..."

FanficWelcome to the agency. :There are three short stories in 2133. Stella & Mr. James and the one with Pearl & Mr. Tomlinson are both finished. I just started a new one with Selena & Mr. Bentley: - a future in which weak women live on the other side of...