Chapter One: School

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Jake's P.O.V.

"It's were my demons hide, don't get to close-" I hear my phone alarm go off.

I turn it off sitting up. Demons by Imagine Dragons is one of my favorite songs. My phone starts to vibrates as I look at it. It's a reminder saying that today is my first day working with my dad. He's a lumberjack and so are my other brothers.

My brothers are the athletic type and do sports and stuff, I'm not. At school I'm usually the nerd, I always get straight A's and, usually, never get bullied.

My brothers and there friends bully me every now and then. That's why I hate them so much. I've always tried to get my parents attention but always fail. My brothers give such high standards.

My brother, Alex, is 20 and leader on the football team. My other brother, Zac, is 17 and is the best hitter on the baseball team. Me, I'm only 14 and get straight A's all the time and am the leader of the technology committee.

But according to my parents, being popular and athletic is the only important thing. I also am a very clean person and am good at cooking but my parents don't even notice.

I get up out of my bed and walk over to my dresser. I open it and take out a pair of dark green boxers and a black under shirt. Then I grab a butten up shirt with a black and green square design and a pair of grey jeans. I take my clothes into the bathroom and put them on the counter.

I turn on the shower adjusting it just right and start to undress. When I finish undressing, I get into the shower. First, I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. Then, I wash my body with some axe body wash. After around fifteen minutes or so, I finally get out. I dry off myself with a black towel.

Then I get dressed in the clothes I got out earlier. I finish up and grab a black comb getting in front of the mirror. I comb my hair to the right. I have nice short brown hair with long bangs that cover my right eye and emerald green eyes with pale skin.

My skin never really tans, I just burn in the sun. I walk out of the bathroom closing the door behind me. I walk over to my dresser again and grab a pair a black socks and my black and white converse. I go and sit down on my bed.

I put on my socks and shoes. I left my books in my locker yesterday because I already finished my homework. I grab my phone looking at the time seeing it's 6:12am. I grab my headphones and plug them into my phone and put them into my ears. I play my music on my phone.

It's a mix of Imagine Dragons, Nightcore, and some Fall Out Boy. I walk out of my bedroom and turn off the light and close the door behind me.

I walk downstairs and look around. I see my mom, dad, and my brothers. They are eating pancakes and talking to each other.

"Hey." I say waiting for them to notice me.

I just roll my eyes as they continue talking not even seeing me. I walk out of the front door slamming the door behind me angrily. I walk off to my school. I have four friends at school. After thirty minutes of walking I arrive at my school. I see my brothers walk in as my dad drives off back home. I walk into school and to my first class.

"Hello Mrs. Anderson." I say to my E.L.A teacher.

I go and sit down in my seat with one of my headphones still in. I take out my drawing book and start to draw the first thing that comes to mind. Since I'm listening to Demons I start to draw a demon. As the room fills up, I put away my book and take out my headphones.

I turn off the music putting my headphones in my right pocket and then I turn off my phone and put it in my left pocket. The teacher starts to teach about how to make a paragraph for our next assignment thats due in two weeks. I'm already half way done with it.

*Time Skip: Lunch*

I walk into the cafeteria and get in line for lunch. I was the first kid to get in line because the teachers usually let me out early. I get my food and look at what it is. It's pepperoni pizza with fat free milk, a red apple, and a bag of chips. I go and sit at the table I usually sit at. After five minutes my friends show up.

"Hey Macy, Lynn, Brian, Luke." I say to them waving.

"Hey!" They all say in unison.

It's kind of funny how they always seem to do that. They sit down with there lunch as we all start to eat.

"So who's busy after school?" I ask.

"I have yearbook club." Lynn says.

"I've got Leo's club." Macy says.

"I'm going to the library." Brian says.

"Minecraft club." Luke says.

"Well then never mind." I say kind of dumbstruck not wanting to go home and be ignored.

"Sorry." They say in unison again.

"It's ok, I guess." I say finishing up eating.

I get up and throw away my trash and go to sit back down. They do the same one by one. I take out my book again and continue my drawing from ealier.

"Go back to your classes, lunch is finished." I hear one of the lunch lady's yell.

I put my book back and get up. I go to my last class, Art. It's my favorite class in school. I walk into the class room seeing Mrs. Swanson.

"Well good afternoon, Jake." She says with a bright and cheery smile like always.

"Good afternoon to you too, Mrs. Swanson." I say back.

After forty minutes the class ends. Today was a free day so I got to finish up my drawing. I go to my locker and put my drawing book in and leave my school books in my locker too. We have no homework luckily so I can have more time to show my dad how good I am at chopping wood.

It's pretty fun, my dad lets me chop wood every now and then for the fire place when my brothers are busy. I walk out of school putting my headphone back into my ears and head home.

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