Chapter Three: Coming Home

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As we arrive home, dad drives into the driveway. He parks and stops the car. I get out and so does he.

"So what happened to my axe?" I ask.

"Oh ya, it's in the garage. If you want you can cut some wood soon for a fire tonight." He says.

I walk into my house and look around. It's been six months since the last time I was in here. I see my two brothers and my mom sitting in the living room. All there eyes look up at me as my mom jumps up hugging me.

'So I have to get in searing pain and knocked out just to get my parents attention? Wow!' I think.

"We've missed you so much!" She says letting go of me.

I just smile back not saying a word.

"You should go to your room and take a shower, we are going out to eat tonight." My mom says.

I nod trying to hold in my laughter. I go back up to my room opening the door. I turn on the light walking in closing the door behind me. I walk into the bathroom taking off my boots and clothes putting my clothes on the counter and my boots outside of the door.

I turn on the shower and get in. The shower was on full blast with freezing cold water. It felt so good on my pale skin as I wash it. My skin got even more pale since I've been in a hospital for six months.

I wash my hair and  body then turn off the shower. I get out and grab a black towel off the hook and dry myself off. I finish up and put my clean clothes back on. I walk out of the bathroom and put my boots back on. I start to laugh again as I sit down on my bed.
After a little while I finish up laughing. I walk out of my room and back downstairs. I see my mom and dad where sitting on the couch talking then they looked over at me.

"You ready?" My dad ask.

I nod yes with a smirk on my face for some unknown reason.

"Why isn't he speaking?" My mom leans over to my dad and whispers into his ear.

She was never really a good at wispering. The reason why I'm not speaking is because I would just burst out in laughter again and I don't want to go back to the hospital.

"Boys, lets go!" My dad yells upstairs to my brothers.

My brothers come downstairs as I see them. Right when ever a see them I get this strong but weird feeling in my gut. There faces just brought me so much pain, I hated them.

"Lets go." My dad says again.

We all leave the house and go to my dads black truck. My dad gets in the drivers seat as my mom gets into the passenger seat. Alex gets into the back seat on the left as Zac opens the door and waits for me to get in. I get it and sit in the middle like usual.

My brothers squish me in between them like usual. Usually I can tolerate it but now I can't. I elbow them both in the side.

"Ow, what was that for!" Zac says moving more to the window.

"What the fuck!" Alex says doing the same thing.

I let out a little laugh then stop.

"Watch your language!" My mom yells at Alex.

I grin over at him as he glares at me. I look forward at the rode watching it. After a while we pull into a Chinese restaurant, Chinese is my favorite type of food. We all get out as my brothers keep glaring at me as I keep my smile on my face. We walk into the place.

"Sit anywhere you want." A lady says as we walk in.

We go and sit at a table with five chairs. Two on each side and one at the end. My brothers sit on the left side of the table as my parents sit on the right side. I go and sit at the end of the table seeing it's the only seat left available.

"What would you like to drink." The waiter says.

"Water." My mom says.

"Water." My dad says.

"Mountain due." My brothers both say.

Then she looks at me as I have my smile on.

"What would you like to drink?" She ask me. I don't say anything.

"He'll just have a coke." My mom says.

"Um, ok." She says as she walks off.

I could tell she was kind of creeped out by me not talking but you know I don't really give a damn. I look at the menu and so does everyone else. Then the waiter comes back again.

"Here you go." She says giving everyone there drinks.

"Do you guys know what you want yet?" She ask.

"Yes." My dad says.

My brothers both order the Sweet and Sour Chicken. My mom and dad or the Spicy Chicken and my mom orders a General Sou's chicken for me. Every time we go out to eat that is the first thing I get.

After twenty minutes or so our food is ready. The waiter comes back out to give us our food.

"Is there anything else I can get for you?" The waiter ask.

We all shake our heads no as we start to eat. I ate three pieces of chicken with rice and I am done. Usually I can finish it but I just got stuffed way to easy for some reason. I just shrug it off as everyone else eats.

Around thirty minutes later or so everyone finishes eating. The whole time they were just making small talk not including me like always. It just really pisses me off on how they treat me like a peice of trash that just follows them.

"Is everyone done?" The waiter ask.

"Yes." My mom says.

She picks up all the dishes and walks off with them. Then she comes back with the bill and five fortune cookies on it. We each grab one.

I read mine and it says 'there will be an expected death in your future'. I grin at it putting it in my pocket.

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