Chapter Sixteen: Guys Night Out

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"So who's all coming on the guys night out?" I ask Jeff sitting on the couch watching T.V.

"Me, you, BEN, Toby, E.J., and Hoodie." Jeff says.

"When are we leaving?" I ask.

"Around 9:00pm." He says.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask.

"Oh my Zalgo, you sure have a ton of questions!" He says a little in frustration.

"Yep, so answer them." I say putting on a smile.

"Wait and see." He says making his smile even bigger.

"Ugh, fine." I say.

I look at the clock and see its 8:09pm. Im still in my clothes from earlier, I dont know how but they all dry and stitched up were Dark Link had pierced my skin. I take out my 3DS. Luckily the case BEN gave me with it is water proof. I open it and start to play it continuing my game from earlier. My name on the game is JAKE Drowned. At first it was a joke but BEN thought it was funny so I just kept it JAKE Drowned. Its accually my nickname for him now.

After around thirty minutes or so everyone who's coming on the guys night out comes downstairs. Apparently the girls are having a girls night out too. I go ahead and close my 3DS and put it in my pocket.

"Is everyone ready?" Jeff calls out.

Everyone said yes and we start to walk out of the front doors. I was standing next to Toby and BEN, they are both by my side. Are suppose to be watching me or something? I still haven't figured out why there fighting. We continue to walk as we approach a old looking house.

"Whats this place?" I ask.

"It's my old house, before I killed my family and ran away that is." He says.

We walk up to it going through the back door. There is spider webs and dust everywhere.

"Follow me." Jeff says.

Everyone follows him up to him room.

"Sit on the floor, time to get to know each other." He says.

Everyone sits on the floor in a circle.

"So, Jake, what's your catchphrase?" Jeff asks.

"Mines 'just empty black sockets'" E.J. says.

"Mines 'you shouldn't have done that'" BEN says in a creepy voice.

It was still pretty cool sounding though. "Mines 'go to sleep'" Jeff says.

"Mines ' (I dont know, please tell me if you do know!) '"Hoodie says.

"Mines ' (sorry, I dont know again but if you do know please tell me!) '" Toby says.

"Oh, um, mines 'no one sill here your fall'. I odnt know, it's what I said before I killed my father." I say shrugging.

"Cool, so what's your killer names?" Jeff asks.

"Eyeless Jack." E.J. says.

"BEN Drowned." BEN says.

"Jeff the Killer." Jeff says.

"Hoodie, my real name is Brian." Hoodie says.

"Ticci-Toby." Toby says.

"Uh, I don't know, will Jake the Lumberjack work?" I ask.

I'm not really sure what mine would be.

"Oh ya, thats accually a pretty cool name!" BEN says putting a smile on my face.

Everyone agrees.

"Heh, thanks!" I say putting a big smile on my face.

Nobody can even see it though because of my mouth gaurd Toby gave me.

"Ok, what's your killer weapon?" Jeff asks.

"My fist." E.J. says.

"Technology." BEN says.

"A knife." Jeff says.

"A gun." Hoodie says.

"Two hatchets." Toby says.

"My axe, hatchet, and maybe my sword. I'm not sure, I dont really know how to use a sword." I say.

"Oh, I'll teach you how." BEN says putting a smile on his face.

"Thanks, maybe tomorrow?" I suggest.

"Sure!" He says.

"Alright enough talking, lets play a game. Who ever kills the most people by midnight wins." Jeff says.

"That sounds so fun!" I say with exitment.

Everyone else agrees on the idea.

"Ok, three, two, one....... GO!" Jeff says jumping out the window.

Toby, Hoodie, and E.J. run downstairs and take the boring way. BEN goes through Jeff's old computer. I jump out the window and run to the woods. I decided I only kill campers and people in the woods, all they do is corrupt it making it look ugly. It needs to stay beautiful like it once was. Every time I think about it it just eritates me. It reminds me of my dad and brothers an how they would cut down trees all day for no fucking reason!

(So I just reread this and this is just the first reason that popped up in my head. Sorry, I know it's sucky.)

I come across some campers that are around a fire roasting marshmallows. There are only four of them, a family. I grab my hatchet and throw it at the fathers head. Everyone screams out of fear as blood flies all over them covering them in there blood. I grab my axe and run at the mother swinging my axe into her head and her blood splashes over her kids making them scream even more.

Then they take off running. I quickly grab my hatchet and throw it at one of them and i throw my axe at the other one. They both fall down to the ground lifeless. I smile at there lifeless bodies and i run over to grab my weapons.

After around two hours or so of chopping down trees, but only a few and only to kill people who have damaged the forest really bad, slicing, and throwing my hatchet the 12:00am comes. I walk over to my last victim and take my axe out of his head. I have killed twenty-seven people.

I walk back to Jeff's old house and climb up the side of his house and jump into his window. I go and sit down were I did earlier. I was the last one to get here.

"Ok, so how many people did everyone kill? I killed twenty-seven." Jeff said.

"Twenty-two." Hoodie says.

"Twenty-five." E.J. says.

"Twenty-six." Toby says.

"Twenty-five." BEN says glares at Toby. Toby smirked back at him.

"So it's me and Jake." Jeff says.

He raises his hand that is covered in blood and I high five it with my bloody hand.

Jake The Lumberjack: He ComesWhere stories live. Discover now