Chapter Four: Losing Sanity

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As we drive home it is silent with just the radio making noise.

"So, Jake, why aren't you saying anything?" My mom asks.

I just stay quiet as my brothers look over at me and so does my mom.

"Honey, please answer me!" My says begging me as I continue to stay quiet.

I start to grow a smile on my face and wanting to burst out laughing.

"Jake please just answ-" she says as I burst out laughing.

I couldn't hold it in, I had to laugh. They all stared at me as if I was crazy.

"H-honey are you ok?" She says as I continiesly laugh.

I look up at her straight in the eyes. Then I look out at the rode seeing we are home. We pull into the drive way as I start to stop laughing. I nod my head yes trying not to let my insanity out. I could still see my mom worried about me as she looks over at me.

We all got out of the car and, as always, me last. I walk to the front door following Alex. He walks in and pushes the door behind him trying to close it. He stops as he looks behind him probably wondering why the door isn't closing as I look up at him.

"Oh sorry." He says laughing a little.

I glare at him with an evil-like smile. I walk in as I follow closing the door behind me and locking it. I turn around and see my brothers going up stairs. I can hear my mom and dad talking in the kitchen and start to talk. I go to the corner of the wall were it leads to the kitchen looking at my parents talking trying to hear them.

"Honey, he is acting as if he is insane." My mom says.

"No he is not, but I'll take him back to the hospital tomorrow afternoon. He told me to if he start to laugh like that again." My dad says.

"Ok but I'll be upstairs away from him. He just, I don't know, kind of scares me." My mom says shrugging biting her lip.

"Sweety, he is our son, he would never hurt his family let alone his parents. He has no reason to, we are good parents." My dad says as I roll my eyes as a little anger start to grow.

"Ok, but wheres your baseball bat?" She ask.

"It's under my bed like always. Don't worry, I'll protect you if anything goes wrong."

"You promise?"

"Yes, of course I promise. I would never let anyone try to hurt you." He says smirking trying to assure her that everything will be ok.

"Ok thank you, I love you!" She says.

"I love you too!" My dad says leaning in to kiss my mom.

There lips meet as I almost puke up ny dinner at the sight of them. I hated them kissing let alone acting like they accually love me. I bite my lip hard feeling the pain as I walk away. I go upstairs and hear my brothers play Black Ops Four: Zombie on the X-Box in there room. I go into my room closing and locking the door behind me. I don't really like people just walking into my room without knocking or even giving a warning.

I sit down on my bed laying down tiredly. I look at the clock on my wall seeing it's 10:38pm. I start to close my eyes as I hear my mom and dad walking up the stairs giggling. I close my heavy eye lids starting to drift off to sleep.

I wake up to a loud howling at the full moon. I sit up looking over at the clock seeing it's 3:17am. I rub my eyes as I hear my parents snoring in the room next to mine. Just the sound that there still alive pisses me off.

Then there conversation from earlier in the kitchen runs through my mind. I sit up knowing what I have to do, no, noy have to, I judt want to. I want to kill them. I walk over to my door and unlock it. I slowly open my door looking around. I walk out of my room leaving my door cracked. I walk over to the stairs and start to walk down them slowly trying not to make a sound. I reach the bottem of the stairs as my head starts to throb again thinking about the tree hitting it.

I smirk as I walk over to the garage door. I open it looking into the garage. I reach for the light switch closing the door behind me. I flick the switch on as I look around for my axe. I see it over in the corner. I walk over to it picking it up.

I feel the edge of it seeing how sharp it is as my finger starts to drip blood. I smile licking my blood off my finger. I grab it's holster that was right next to it and put it on. I put my axe in it as I walk out of the garage turning the light off and closing the door. I walk over to the stairs and slowly walk up it again. I reach the top as I walk over to my parents room and opening the door looking in to there room.

I see them sleeping peacefully on there bed. My dad is only in his boxers and my mom is only is her bra and panties. It was quite gross seeing my parents almost fully naked. My finger start to drip blood down on the floor from the cut in the axe earlier. I walk over to my dads side of the bed next to him looking over at him smiling.

I start to get a mix of emotions in me, anger and exitment. Anger, because of how they acted like they loved me even knowing how they treat me like shit all the time and exitment, because I'm finally gonna kill them. I've honestly been waiting a while to do this.

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