Chapter Fourteen: Birthday Party

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I wake up from my short amount of sleep. I stayed up almost all night playing on my 3DS. I get up and put my 3DS on the charger. I must of fell asleep on it. I get up rubbing my eyes and yawning. I walk over to the door and dragging my feet. I walk out and walk downstairs.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone yells.

I just and fall down on my back. Oh ya todays my birthday. BEN and Toby walk over each giving me a hand. I grab both of there hands and they help me up.

"Morning s-sleepy head." Toby says.

"Sorry, I stayed up all night play on my new 3DS." I say with a little smile on my face.

I could see Toby glare at BEN for a second he stop.

"Well I-I made b-breakfast." Toby says.

I look over in the kitchen to see a ton of waffles.

"Cool." I say.

Everyone walks into the kitchen. I go and sit down at the table and Toby sits on my right side and BEN sits on my left side. Everyone gets waffles with some orange juice. I finish up eating as BEN and Toby keep glaring at each other. I wonder what there fighting about? I just shrug it off and get up grabbing my plate and putting it in the sink. I walk over into the living room were Jeff, Slenderman, and E.J. are sitting. I go and sit on the couch next to Jeff.

"What are we watching?" I ask looking at the T.V. screen.

"It's called Teen Wolf." Jeff says watching it.

It accually looks really cool.

"Time for cheesecake and presents!" Slenderman yells from the kitchen.

Everyone gets up and walks into the kitchen. I look on the table to see its covered in presents. I look over at Slenderman and see he has a huge cheesecake cake. He then starts serving peices of cheesecake out to everyone.

"Birthday killer first." He says handing me the first peice.

I take it and grab a plastic fork. I go and sit down at the table and Toby and BEN sit next to me like earlier. I take a bight and my eyes widen at how good it is. I quickly scarf down the peice of cake and get stuffed.

"Someone was hungry." BEN says laughing a little.

"Well it's just so good! I've never had cheeseca-" I start to say before I get interrupted.

"WHAT!" Masky and Hoodie both yell at me.
"What?" I ask with a confused look on my face.

"Why?" Hoodie asks. "

I don't know, my parents really never cared for me enough to let me try cheesecake." I say shrugging.

"We need to kill them!" Masky says.

"To late, I already did." I say with a big smile on my face.

They all laugh. "Ok good, they don't deserve to live!" Masky says.

I nod laughing a little.

"Presents time!" Slenderman yells.

I grab a present and open it, it's a Legends of Zelda necklace.

"You can even remove the sword." BEN says showing me.

"Thank you." I say.

I grab another present and open it. It is a green and black stripped mouth gaurd.

"D-do you like i-it?" Toby asks. "Yes, thank you." I say to him.

*Time Skip: After presents*

I got a ton of stuff, mostly from BEN and Toby. I got a LoZ (Legends of Zelda) shirt, black fingerless gloves, LoZ beanie, a edge sharpener to sharpen my axe and hatches, a green and black plaid-like hoodie, a new pair of pitch black boots, and some more black jeans.

"By the way, tomorrow night we are gonna have a boys night out." Jeff says.

"Oh, cool!" I say happily.

I walk up to my room with all of my new stuff and put it down on my bed. I hang my new hoodie up in the closet. I put my new shirt and jeans in the drawers in my dresser. I put my new LoZ necklace on. I put my new mouth gaurd, fingerless gloves, and beanie on my dest. I put my new boots next to my old boots. And lastly, I put my axe sharpener in my closet next to my axe and hatchet. I go over to my 3DS and grab it. I see it's fully charges so I unplug it.

I walk out of my room and back downstairs to see everyone in the living room watching Teen Wolf. I go sit down in the corner on the floor and take out my 3DS. I open it up and continue to play Legends of Zelda. Not that long later, BEN walks over to me with his 3DS and sits down next to me.

"Hey." He says as he has on his.

"Hey." I say as I continue to play it.

"How are you like the 3DS?" He asks.

"I love it! It's so fun to play on and I'm obsessed with Legends of Zelda now! Thank you!" I say.

"Your welcome." He says back laughing a little.

After around two or three hours of playing on my 3DS, I start to get tired. I get up and stretch my legs and arms. I close my 3DS and put it in my pocket. I walk over to the stairs and walk up them. I walk over to my new friends and open the door. They never really come out of there, I'm not sure why though.

I see there already alseep. Shannon and Jade are on bed and Nathan and McKenzie are sleeping on the floor. I close the door and walk over to my room. I go into my room and close the door behind me. I go and plug my 3DS in it's charger and lay down on my bed. I get on my phone and go on Facebook.

Nothing really new happens on Facebook. Theres a ton of creepypasta stuff because I'm in a ton of creepypasta groups on Facebook. I scoll through Facebook until I get bored. I plug my phone on it's charger and play some of my music on my phone. I get up and turn the light in my room off and go lay back down. I get in my bed putting the covers over me and slowly drift off to sleep.

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