Chapter Seven: Creepypasta!

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"Is h-he gonna b-be ok?" I hear a voice say waking me up.

I start to open my eyes a little. "Yes, he is going to be fine." I hear someone else say.

I open my eyes more looking up as my blurry vision adjusts. I look over at the two fingure standing next to my bed. One was the tall man and the other one was the boy with the blue hood. But his hood was down and his goggles were on his head. His mouth gaurd is pulled down too.

I mean for somebody who just tried to kill me, he looks pretty cute. They both look at me as I look at him.

"Toby, say sorry!" The tall guy says.

"S-sorry." He says kind of ticking, I guess you could say, a little.

"Who are you people?" I ask.

"Oh, yes, my apologies, we are the Creepypasta and my name is Slenderman." He says.

"What's a Creepypasta?" I ask confused.

"Oh, ya, a Creepypasta is a scary story people think never accually happen. But I assure you, it has all happen." (If you have a better definition then please tell me!) He says.

"Where am I?"

"You s-s-sure have a l-lot of questions d-don't you?" Toby says.

"You, child, are in the Creepypasta Mansion." Slenderman says.

"Why do you need a huge place like this just for four people?" I ask.

"It's not just us, those are just my proxies. There are a ton of other people living here with us." He says as my eyes widen.

"Theres more?" I ask surprised.

"Hehe, yes there are a lot more than just us." He says.

"Wait, weres my axe!" I say looking around for it.

"It's right there on the counter along with it's holster. We washed it for you." He says pointing over to it.

I get up and stand then quickly sitting on the bed as the pain in my leg returns. I let out a little moan in pain as I do so.

"Be careful, your leg is still in bad condition." Slenderman says.

I get up slowly putting most of the pressure on my left leg. I hop over to my holster and put it on then put my axe in it. I turn around and hop back over to the bed.

"Why i-is that axe so im-important to you?" Toby asks.

"Well its my praised possession, I killed my family with it." I say smirking.

"Hehe, nice!" Slenderman says.

I nod looking over at him.

"So do you want to meet the rest of the Creepypasta?" Slenderman asks.

"Sure." I say getting up and hopping following Toby and Slenderman.

We enter a living room, it was quiet huge. There is a flat screen T.V. hanging on the wall and long black couch with a black coffee table. On the couch was three people.

The first one is wearing a white hoodie with red spots on it and some black dress pants. He has black hair and his face was disfigured. He has a cut smile almost ear to ear and his eyelids were burned off. Then his skin, it was white as of it was bleach or something like that.

The second person has on a Link from Legends of Zelda outfit on with blond and hair. But his eyes were really weird looking, it is all black with red pupils.

Then the third person has on a black hoodie with some dark jeans. He also has on a blue mask with black eyes but the eyes look as if there were bleeding black liquid, it looks so real. They look away from the T.V. and look at us.

"That is Jeff, BEN, and Jack." Slenderman says pointing to them.

"Guys, this is our newest Creepypasta, Jake." Slenderman says as they get up.

I put a little smile on my face as they stare at me.

"Can I kill him?" Jeff says.

"No!" Slenderman yells at him.

I glare at him as he glares back.

"Everyone, downstairs, now!" Slenderman yells as I hear footsteps come from the upstairs. Then a group of people come running downstairs. I feel something rubbing up against my leg. I look down to see a red dog by my side. After everyone got situated it was silent.

"Welcome, this is our newest Creepypasta, Jake" Slenderman says.

Everyone stares at me as I stand there awkwardly.

"Hello." I say quietly.

"Well you guys go ahead and introduce yourselves, I have stuff to do." Slenderman said before he vanished into thin air.

After around thirty minutes or so of talking people started to leave to there rooms. I go into the kitchen to take a break from them and see Hoodie and Masky eating a piece of cheesecake.

"Oh, hey." I say as they look up at me.

I go and sit down at the table near them.

"What are you doing in here?" Jeff says with a rude tone as he walks into the kitchen. I look over at him glaring.

"Trying to get a break away from you." I say getting up and walking out of the kitchen back into the living room.

I look around for Toby and see him playing with Sally. I walk over to him as they look at me.

"Hey, Toby, do you know were my room is?" I ask.

"No, but go ask Slenderman, he might know. Sorry." He says.

"Thanks, and it's ok." I say as I walk away looking for Slenderman's office.

I see a door with a sign on it that says:

Slenderman's office

I knock on the door as he opens it.

"Wheres my room?" I ask.

"Oh, yes, follow me." He says walking out of his office closing the door behind him.

He walks up the stairs and down the hallway.

"Here." He says opening the door.

I walk in and look around as he disappears again. The walls are green with a black bed, dresser, closet, dest, and rug. I walk in and sit on the bed laying down. I start to close my eyes as I drift off to sleep.

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