Chapter Ten: Killing Spree

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I start to wake up by someone pulling my blanket off. I open my eyes to see Masky is pulling off the blanket.

"Wake up! It's already 2:47pm!" He says.

I let out of moan of tiredness as I get up. I see that I'm the only one left and that the fort was no longer. I get up rubbing my eyes. I'm so tired. I walk into the kitchen seeing Jeff sitting at the table with BEN.

"Waky waky sleeping dumbass." He says.

"Fuck off!" I say glaring at him.

He just laughs at me as I walk back out of the kitchen. I DON'T want to deal with him right now.

"Hey, d-dont forget your f-first killing s-spree is tonight." Toby says walking down the stairs.

"Oh, ya, sweet! What time?" I say.

"Up t-to you." He says as he walks away.

I walk upstairs and into my room. I turn the light on as I close the door behind me. I walk over to my bag in the corner and take out a pair of clothes. I lay them down on my bed as I start to undress. I finish undressing as someone opens that door. I see it's Toby and quickly cover my "area" as he quickly closes the door.

"Oh m-my Zalgo, im s-so sorry!" He says.

I quickly get dressed and walk over to the door opening it.

"H-hey, I'm sorry I d-didn't know-" He started to say before I interrupted him.

"It's ok, just knock next time please." I say walking out of the way to my room so he can go in.

He walks in and I follow him closing the door behind me.

"So what do you want to walk about?" I ask.

"When d-do you want to g-go on the s-spree?" He asks.

"Hmm, maybe around 2:00am?" I suggest.

"Oh, p-perfect. I c-can't wait!" He says.

"Cool, is that all?" I say.

"Ya. I g-guess I'll go n-now." He says opening the door and walking out closing the door behind him.

*Time Skip: 1:30am*

I get up off of my bed and walk over to my closet and open it. I grab my new axe with it's holster and put it on. Then I grab my hatchet the Toby gave to my and put it on it's holster around my waist the Slenderman made me ealier today. I put that on and walk out of my room looking for Toby. I look for his door when I run into someone. I look up to see it's Toby. He puts out his hand and I grab it. He pulls me up back on my feet.

"Hey." I say dusting myself off.

"You r-ready?" He asks.

"Yep." I say back.

"L-lets go th-then!" He says putting a smirk on his face.

I do the same thing as we run out of the mansion. Then I start to randomly laugh, I'm not sure why I just laugh. Toby stops and gives me the weirdest look.

He than shrugs it off and we continue to run. I see a light up ahead in the woods. It's some people camping. Me and him slow down as we approach them. We hide behind a tree watching them. There is only two of them and they look to be around there thirties to forties.

"You g-got this?" Toby asks me wispering.

I nod my head yes. I take my hatchet and quickly turn around seeing them as they both look over at me. I quickly throw my hatchet at one of them in the head and his now lifeless body falls back as blood flies in the air. I then grab my axe as the other one came running at me.

I quickly swing my axe to his side as he screems out in pain and I continue to laugh. He falls to the ground as I bring my axe over my head and swing it down and my axe goes in his head and blood flies everywhere covering the forest floor with there red blood. The two lifeless body lay dead at my feet as Toby walks out.

"N-nice job!" He says.

"Thanks!" I say as I walk over to my hatchet and pull it out of his head making some more blood fly.

I put my hatchet and my axe in there holsters. I go off running again as my lust for blood grows. Toby follows me as I run looking for some people to kill. Then we come across a group of tents. There were four to be precise. I then take my axe out thinking of the perfect idea of how to kill them.

I walk over to some trees and start to hit them swinging my axe at them over and over until it falls. I watch it fall down on one of the tents as it smashes who ever is in there making blood gushing out of the tent. Holy shit, these people are really heavy sleepers. They still haven't woken up.

I walk over to another tree and hitting it doing the same as the other time. After I finish cutting down the fourth tree, I've killed them all.

"Are y-you done?" Toby asks.

I nod yes, it's getting pretty late and I'm getting really tired.

"Ok l-lets go." He says.

He starts walking towards the mansion. We approach it as we walk in seeing Slenderman and three tall people next to him, I didn't pay much attention to him.

"Hello, so Toby, how did he do?" Slenderman asks.

"He d-did really g-good!" He says putting a smile on my face.

"Good, now I have some new for you to meet." He says as the other three tall figures stand up next to him.

I look up at them and see they are all the same height. My eyes widen at the sight.

"Meet, my brothers." Slenderman says.

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