Chapter Seventeen: Becoming a Proxy

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Everyone arrives back at the mansion around 12:30pm or so. We had a ton of fun but now im really tired. I walk up to my room and everyone else goew up to there rooms too. I walk into my room closing the door behind me. 

I put my 3DS and phone on there chargers. I go and put my mouth gaurd, beanie, and gloves on my desk and I put my axe and hatchet in my closet. I take off my boots and put the by the door. I turn off the light in my room and go into my bed. I lay down pulling the covers over me and drift of to sleep after a long night. I wake up from a sudden knock on my door. I open my eyes and sit up against the wall. 

"Come in!" I yell out for the person on the other sude of the door to come in. 

They open the door and walk in closing the door behind me. I see its BEN. 

"Oh, sorry, did i wake you up?" He asks. 

"Ya, but its fine." I say. 

"So what's up?" I ask. 

"Well, i was wondering when you want to go practicing with your sword?" He asks.

"Oh, maybe in an hour or so, so I can get ready and get something to eat." I say rubbing my eyes a little. 

"Oh, ok cool!" He says. 

"Well I'll just leave you." He says walking out of my room closing the door behind him. 

I get up out of my bed and walk over to my dresser. I grab a pair of black jeans, a green and black plaid shirt, a black undershirt, and some black boxers and put ut all on. Then i grab a pair of black socks and my black boots. I put those on too. I grab my 3DS abd phone and put them in my pockets oolong with my headphones. I walk out of my room and go downstairs into the kitchen. I see Hoodie and Masky eating cheesecake. 

"Want some?" Masky asks. 

"No, im good. Ill just have some cereal." I say. 

I grab a bowl, milk, and some special K cereal and pour the milk and the cereal into the bowl. I go sit down at the table and dtart to eat my cereal.

I finish up around ten minutes later. I put my bowl in the sink. I walk away and go to the stairs. I walk up the stairs and walk up to BEN's room. I was about to knock on the door whem Toby swings the door open and stomps out of BEN's room leaving his door open. I walk in and see him playing on his 3DS. 

"Hey, you ready?" He asks me putting his 3DS away. 

"Yep." I say as he gets up. 

"Let's go." He says. 

He walks out the door and i follow closing it behind me. We walk downstairs and out the back doors. There is a line up of five wooden dummies. 

"Show me what you've got." BEN says. 

I take out my sword and swing it at one of the wooden dummies. I keep going faster and faster as BEN watches me. Then a sword similar to mine appears in front of BEN and he grabs it. 

"Let me show you how to do this." He says walking up to another dummie.

After four hours of non-stop practicing we finally are both tired and out of breath. 

"Y-you did g-good." BEN says. 

"Th-thanks." I say. 

We both get up and walk back inside. I put my sword back in my necklace and walk into the kitchen seeing Jade, Shannon, and McKenzie talking to Jeff, E.J., and L.J. i go and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and chug half of it. 

"Hey." McKenzie says. 

"H-hey." I say putting the bottle of water on the counter. 

"Where's Nathan?" I ask. 

"We arnt sure, we woke up this morning and he was gone. Our window was open to so that might be why." Jade says. 

"Oh ok." I say as Slenderman walks into the kitchen. 

"Jake, come to my office. We need to discuss something." He says before he vanishes. 

I walk away leaving them to talk and go to Slenderman's office. I walk in and see Masky, Hoodie, and Slenderman's brothers. 

"Is everything ok?" I ask. 

"No, accually, we have come to something major." Slenderman says. 

"Oh, what's wrong?" I ask. 

"Well, since Zalgo still want you to be his proxie, we though might as well beat him to it." Trendorman says.

"Wait, so does that mean...." i start to say. 

"Yes, im making you my new proxie." Slenderman says making my jaw to drop. 

"When?" I ask. "Now." He says. 

"It might hurt a little." He says. 

"What might hu-" i start to say before i have a sudden searing pain in wrist. 

Then the pain got worse, i couldn't handle it. His office around me started to spin around and get darker, then it went completely black and i pass out not knowing what is happening. I start to wake up as i open my eyes. 

Then the pain in my wrist came back but this time it didnt hurt so much. I put my wrist up to see something was engraved in it. It was like a O with an X going throw it. I look around to see im in my room. I sit up seeing im still in my clothes from earlier. I get out of bed and walk out of my room. I walk downstairs into Slenderman's office. 

"Oh, your awake." He says. 

I nod at him then show him my wrist. 

"That is the operator sign, it proves that your one of my proxies. My other three proxies have it too just not in the same spot." He says. 

I shrug and walk out of his office going into the living room were my friends are still talking to the same people. I take out my 3DS and continue playing Legends of Zelda.

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